Chapter 26: Bring on the Drama!

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-Eva's POV

After English class finished, Cara led me out of the class. I kept walking but felt footsteps following behind us. I stopped abruptly causing him to bump into my back. "Why are you following me Michael?"

"How did you know-"

"Your footsteps, now please stop." I say as I begin walking again with Cara. We get to our lockers for Cara to change out her books. I hear some whispering but just close my eyes and lean my head back on the lockers. 

"Hey Cara, hey Eva!" Parker says running up to us. He pulls me into a bear hug before I hear someone clear their throat. Parker releases me and gives Cara a hug. I then smell a familiar scent.

"Hey Asher" I say looking towards him. I feel him take a step towards me and wraps his arms around my shoulders engulfing me in a hug. He kisses my forehead and I sigh enjoying his simple gesture.

"You look beautiful, Eva." He whispers in my hair still holding me. His hands slide down and wrap around my waist pulling me to him. I smile and look up at him. "I'm sorry I didn't see you this morning, did your first class go okay?" 

"Well Cara got to meet Danielle-" 

"What did she do?" Asher says getting tense and his voice hoarse.

"Nothing other than tell me you were hers." I say rolling my eyes. He tightens his grips on me and pulls my hips further towards him. 

"I am NOT hers." He says sternly. I chuckle. 

"I didn't think you were anyone's?" I feel his forehead against mine. I close my eyes.

"Eva, I -"

"Asher sweetie!" Oh great!

-Asher's POV

"Dude hurry up!" Parker says as he is walking down the hallways. It doesn't take a genius to know who he is looking for. I chuckle and shake my head. "It's your fault we didn't get to see them before school started." He snaps annoyed at me.

"It wasn't my fault that my parents decided to show up." I grumble at him. 

"Hey Cara, hey Eva!" He yells waving his hand at them. I look up and my jaw nearly drops looking at Eva. Fuck me! Eva is standing there with a tight black shirt and leather jacket with a short skirt. She is wearing knee high dark boots and her hair is down with a wave. I could feel Asher jr. just getting excited looking. 

I don't even notice that Parker has left me standing there and has walked up giving Eva a hug. I walk up to them and clear my throat. Parker looks at me smugly before releasing her and walking over to Cara embracing her in a tight hug. I stand there for minute while Eva turns her head towards me with those magnificent blue eyes. 

"Hey Asher" She says smiling at me. I relax and step towards her wrapping my arms around her shoulders and kissing her forehead. Mmmm Cherries. I inhale deeply and hold her tight.

"You look beautiful Eva." I say as I relax my arms around her and allow them to fall to her waist. I feel the sparks dancing on my fingertips making me smirk. "I'm sorry I didn't see you this morning, did your first class go okay?" 

"Well Cara got to meet Danielle-" 

I stiffen and cut her off "What did she do?"

"Nothing other than tell me you were hers." She rolls her eyes sounding annoyed. I can't resist it! I pull her hips further into mine and grip her possessively.

"I am NOT hers." I say looking at her to see if she believed me. She just chuckles softly causing me to look at her confused.

"I didn't think you were anyone's?" She pulls back slightly looking up at me. Does she really not see how I am with her? Of course not, she can't see you idiot! I connect our foreheads and watch her close her eyes. I sigh before responding.

"Eva, I-"

"Asher sweetie!" 

I groan in frustration. Seriously could the timing being any worse? Eva tries to step out of my arms but I don't even let her move an inch away from me as I look up at the intruder. Danielle is standing there with her minions glaring at Eva until she notice's me looking at her. Her face turns to a sultry smile causing me to unintentionally grip Eva slightly more. I see Cara edge closer to Eva. I shake my head slightly at her which halts her movements.

"I am NOT your sweetie, what do you want Danielle?" I say glaring at her. Once I again I feel Eva adjust in my arms but this time she leans her head against my chest. 

"That wasn't what you said last night?" She says smirking at me. Eva automatically stiffens in my arms and pulls her head off of my chest. Shit! Does she believe her? I start getting more pissed but then I become confused by what Eva does next.  She begins... laughing, like full on laughing. I look down at her as she is pretending to wipe a tear away from her eyes. "What the HELL are you laughing at?!?" 

I look over to Danielle to see her crossing her arms but her eyes are showing her rage. I look down at Eva just now realizing that she has stepped out of my embrace leaving me missing her warmth. Eva stands right in front of Danielle which makes her look like a bad-ass. Damn those legs! Stay focused Asher!!! I shake my head and refocus on the situation. 

"You are a HORRIBLE liar... Just horrible. Seriously, you should really work on it." Eva says dramatically shaking her head with her hands on her hips. Danielle's jaw nearly drops. Wow, forgot about that talent! I smirk watching Danielle gulp multiple times like a fish out of water. 

"There is no-"

"Let's make this simple for you Danielle..." Eva cuts her off pacing back and forth in front of her. She begins raising her fingers. "First off- I don't know you and I don't like you so stay away from me. Second- You ever come near my sister and I won't hesitate to cut off your perfectly manicured hand." She stops right in front of Danielle and glares up at her. "And last thing... do. not. threaten. me. again." She grits out pausing after every word. Damn. She turns around and by this time Danielle has regained some of whits as she reaches out trying to grab Eva's arm. Eva stops her and grabs her wrist. Eva shakes her head as she sighs. "You really want to loose this hand don't you?" Eva's grips tightens and I see Danielle wince. 

"Eva Don't.." Cara barely whispers but it's enough for Eva to hear. I watch as she takes a deep breath before releasing Danielle's arm. Eva abruptly walks over to her sister and mutters lowly " она мне не нравится." What the hell was that? I look to Cara who is smiling amused at her sister. I look back at Danielle to see her holding her wrist still looking at Eva. 

"You will never be able to give him what I can. At least I can SEE what all he has and how to pleasure him." She seethes out stressing on the word see. I was about to step to her when Eva's words surprise me yet again.

"Your right Danielle." She says re-linking arms with Cara. "I might not be able to see however I would never want to give him what you can... I hear STD's are no fun." 

She turns and walks away as Parker and other students burst out laughing. All I can do is stare at the enthralling beauty who was walking away from me. Parker is still laughing when I turn back to Danielle to see her glaring at Eva's retreating figure. I step up to her and she finally looks at me. 

"Don't fucking come near me again." I spit out as I push by her. Who does she think she is acting like she has some claim on me. No one can fucking claim me! Just because she has been in my bed more than once didn't mean shit. I kept walking but my mind couldn't stop thinking about the enticing mystery with the sapphire blue eyes. 

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