Eva Willow, a 17 year old blind girl who moves to a new town with her two sisters to live with her uncle. She has a lot of secrets and wants to lay low through her final years of school and keeping an eye on her sisters. Can she lay low or will she...
"Eva let's get going!" Cara yells from the front door. I sigh one more time giving Leila a kiss on the forehead before following her out. I run my hands down my skirt trying to relax my nerves. Of course she would put me in a damn skirt. I shake my head and get in the car. I am wearing my leather jacket over a tight shirt and skirt combo. Cara had me in knee length high heels. Lucky for me, good place to hide my dagger.
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Cara described her outfit to me saying she was also in skirt which had a floral pattern on it. She was wearing a long sleeve white shirt and simple black high heels.
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"Eva, would you stop fidgeting!" She said grabbing my hand in the backseat.
"Easy for you to say, you're used to a lot of skin showing..." I grumble out gesturing towards my legs.
"Seriously, that's your problem?" She says while trying to not laugh. Pain in my ass..
"Ladies, were here." Lucas says while stopping the car. He comes back and opens Cara's door. Cara gets out and I slide out behind her. Lucas gently grabs my hand pulling me back slightly. "Eva, do you have it with you?" He whispers in my ear. I nod at him and feel him release my hand. "Have a good day ladies, I'll be here this afternoon to pick you up."
Cara links her arm with mine before we start walking. I can feel many eyes on us and a couple of wolf whistles. I roll my eyes at them. Idiots... We continue walking and Cara opens the doors to the front of school. She pulls me towards the office.
"Welcome ladies, how may I help you?" a woman ask in front of us.
"Hi, we're new here and need to get our schedules." Cara answers.
"Cara and Eva Willow."
"Oh! Your the two I was looking for." She says sounding excited. "Welcome to Northview High!"
"Thank you! We just need our schedules and we will-" I get cut off when someone opens a door to our side.
"Hello ladies, will you come in here for just a moment." a gentleman says. Cara gently tugs on my arm and pulls me towards his office. She leads me to a seat while he closes the door and walks back to his seat. "I want to welcome you to our school ladies. I am Dr. Knight."