Chapter 23: Is she even human?

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-Asher's POV

I had a great time last night after the whole bonfire incident occurred. We ended up just walking the beach for a few hours and talking leisurely. I had Eva hooked to my side most of the night. I didn't want her anywhere else. She has only been a part of my life for such a short amount of time and yet I already feel so obsessed to keep her around me. She intrigues me like no one woman has before. I haven't even looked at another woman since that night in the club with Eva. The way she looks, the way she moves I mean... Fuck!

"Hey guys, you'll never guess who I just ran into?" Marcus says running back to us pulling me out of my thoughts. It was our last day of freedom before we go back to school. The guys and I decided to walk around the boardwalk. 

"Who did see you babe?" Brody says turning towards him. 

"Cara & Eva." My head snaps up and I begin looking over his shoulder. I look back at Marcus who is grinning ear to ear. I know what they are thinking and it fucking irritates me but I don't really care. I want to see her... "They have invited us to come hang at their house with them. I told them we could be there in an hour."

I nod my head as Parker starts walking towards the car. "Where you running off to?" I ask smugly. 

"I need to look better than this to impress my goddess." He says holding his head high. Marcus and Brody begin laughing while I just smile amused. 

"So your claiming her already?" Brody ask catching up to him.  Parker stops abruptly and turns towards us.

"I'm sure as hell not letting one of those douches get near her." He says sternly. 

We all climb into Parker's car as we drive back towards my house. 

1 hour later

"Dude are you sure I look okay?" Parker says turning towards me as we are walking up to their door. He ended up just borrowing clothes from my house and changed at least half of dozen times to end up in the shirt he tried on first. 

"You sound like a chick." I deadpan looking at him. Brody knocks on the door and Maria answers.

"Hello gentlemen, Cara said you would be coming. Please follow me this way." We all follow her to her to the living room and sit down in the couches and chairs. "Cara will be with you shortly."

We were only sitting for a few minutes before Cara pops into the room. She comes over and hugs us all leaving Parker til be the last. He grumbled slightly but when she stayed by his side he seemed to have calm down. 

"Hey guys, how are you?" 

"We're good. how are you babe?" Parker answers for all of us and looks at her. She smiles and blushes at his nickname. I look towards the door for Eva but she doesn't come in. "I think someone might be wondering where your sisters at?" He says smirking at me.

I snap my head at him and give him a glare. Brody and Marcus are trying to cover up their laughter with some coughs. I roll my eyes at my so-called friends. Idiots! Cara smiles at me and says she should be up shortly. 

"Do you guys want to go out or stay in?" Cara says looking at us all.

"I'm down for that game room if you guys are." Marcus says sounding to excited. I look over his shoulder to see their Uncle Drake walking towards us. 

"Hello boys." He says as he walks up to Cara." Hey beautiful, where's your sisters?" He says while hugging her.

"Leila was taking a nap, and I'll give you one guess for Eva." She says turning her head up towards him. He sighs before shaking his head.

"I swear she trains more than any person I know." He whispers kissing Cara's forehead. Training... What would she need to train for? I look around and the guys look confused as well. He releases Cara and turns towards Brody & Marcus. "I'm sorry, I don't think I have met you guys yet. I am Drake Willows." 

Marcus's jaw drops and Brody just rolls his eyes taking Drake's hand and shaking it. "I'm Brody and this is my boyfriend Marcus." 

"Nice to meet you boys, I will go get your sister for you." He looks at us before walking out of the room. Brody nudges Marcus in the gut. Marcus finally stops staring.

"Did you really have to stare?" Brody grumbles annoyed.

"Well now I know where the girls get there looks from." Marcus says causing Brody to glare at him. "Oh stop it, your the only guy for me." 

"Damn straight." Brody says. I begin chuckling at him. The irony of his statement... 

"Come on guys!" Cara says while pulling on Parker's arm. She begins weaving us around the house. 

"You'll still loose Lucas!" 

I turn my head to left and see Eva running up the stairs from the basement. She was wearing some short shorts and a tank top glistened with sweat. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She was smiling and chuckling before she realized we were in front of her.  

"Eva what happened to your arm?!" Cara asked worriedly while grabbing her arm. I look over and notice a decent size gash on her arm. What the hell?!? I walk up to wear Cara was standing and take Eva's arm inspecting it closer. She doesn't even seem to be bothered by the gash.She just tries to put her hand over her wound. 

"Workout I guess... I didn't feel it." She says shrugging. I looked astonished at her eyes looking for any trace that she is in pain but find... none. How could she not feel that?!?

"Eva, you seriously don't feel that?" Parker says looking over Cara's shoulder.

"I'll just run up to my room and change, I'll meet up with you guys." She says avoiding his question while trying to tug her arm back. "Asher you can let go now." She whispers to me. I release her arm not thinking about it and she runs off up the stairs. 

"Is she even human?" Parker says looking up the stairs as well. He turns back towards Cara who is trying to recompose herself. 

"My sister has went through a lot and has a higher tolerance than most when it comes to pain." She says while taking a deep breath. She begins walking again while I stay rooted to my spot. 

Wow... What all are you hiding Eva?

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