-Asher's POV
How the hell did this happen? I am standing in front of Leila guarding her while my girl has a gun pressed to her head with a sleazy asshole has his arm wrapped around her waist. I don't like the grin he is sporting. I attempt to step forward but Leila taps my arm once. Safe? What the hell is safe about this?? I don't move trusting Leila knows what Eva just said. They get far enough away that I once again attempt to go towards her but this time Cara stops me.
"Asher stop. Trust us."
Cara stands up pressing her hand to my chest. Parker stands up holding his head. I look over and see Marcus and Brody still holding some guy between them looking at me questionably. I turn my attention back to Eva. I watch as she abruptly throws her head back making the asshole holding her release her while gripping his nose. She does a roundhouse kick making him collapse onto his knees and hands. She jumps on his back and puts him in a head lock. He struggles and finds his gun he dropped in the sand. He begins trying to shoot Eva but she doesn't let go. Cara and Leila take off after hearing the first shot while I stay rooted to my spot. Frozen... I can't seem to move. I see the guy collapse and Eva stand up swaying a little bit. Cara and Leila hug her tightly but abruptly release her. I finally find my muscles and run to her.
"Your shot Eva." Cara says looking at Eva's stomach. Sure enough, I see blood seeping down her stomach into her swimsuit. I can't breath. My lungs stop seeing my girl hurt. She however surprises me.
"Not the first time." She grits out holding the gun and turning around. "Leila, close em."
Close em? What is she- I see her aim the gun and shot the guy in the head. She killed him. I stand there again frozen watching her kill a guy. I have never seen someone die before. Injured extremely yes but never killed. She turns back around looks at her sister's. Cara is holding Leila to her chest guarding her eyes. She then looks at me but limps past me while I still stand there looking at the corpse in front of me.
I begin hearing gun shots behind me making me turn around. Eva walks around shooting each body while blood drips down her leg. Parker is looking ghostly white watching Eva while Brody and Marcus look as frozen as me. The guy they are holding looks like he is about to shit his pants. Eva walks in front of him lifting the gun to his chest.
"удачи в аду" She says before shooting him. Cara releases Leila. Leila and Cara take off to Eva who is swaying heavily.
"EVA!" They yell as I see her body begin to collapse. Parker finds his footing and steps to her catching her before she hits the sand. I run to her. Parker sees me and hands her to me gently. Leila runs to us with her shirt in her hand pressing it to the bullet wound.
"What the HELL JUST HAPPENED!" Brody yells.
"Not the time, we need to get her back to the house. Now!" Cara says grabbing their bags. Leila still standing beside me holding the shirt to Eva's stomach. I begin walking to the car. I feel the guys following closely behind grabbing what they can. "Asher, I'll drive."
I toss my keys to Cara and get in the back still holding Eva to my chest firmly. I sit down and can't stop looking at her. I am so conflicted with how I feel. I just watched her save our lives but effectively end 5 lives. She killed them.
I turn my attention to Leila raising an eyebrow. I'm confused how did she-
"It's written on your face. Don't think about it too hard."
"I just watched her kill 5 men, how-"
"They would have killed you without a thought. She saved you, she saved all of us." She says with conviction. I look back down at her. "She killed them for you."
"What do you mean?" I ask to Leila but Cara speaks up.
"They already know about me and Leila. If she would have let them live, they would have told their boss about you guys as well putting you all in danger."
I instinctively pull her closer to me. She was protecting me. She saved Parker. She saved us. Just like that and all doubts I had are gone. She killed only because she had to.
"We're here. Asher get her to the kitchen table." I nod my head as Cara jumps out opening my door. I swiftly carry her to the front door where Maria swings the door open. Leila runs off leaving me confused. I gently lay Eva down on the table looking her paling form. Cara comes back holding a medical kit and tools I don't know the name of.
I hear the front door snapping my head up seeing the guys coming in. They don't say anything but stand off to the side. All the focus on Eva. Cara lays everything down beside her. I continue to stay by Eva's side holding her hand.
"Where at this time?"
My head snaps up to see Leila standing there with her uncle. He walks over to the table opposite of Cara. He rolls up his sleeves to his shirt. Cara begins cleaning the wound.
"Abdomen, single shot. Bullet is still lodged in. Needs a transfusion." Cara says still concentrating on Eva. She grabs the tweezers and puts them in the hole. I watch as she digs around to find the bullet. I didn't realize that Drake pulled up a seat and has sat down placing a needle in his arm and one to Eva's arm near him.
"Done. Cara did you find it?" Drake says as I see his blood traveling through the tube from his arm going into Eva. I look back to see Cara focusing hard.
"Ah, there it is." She says as she pulls it out tossing it to the side. I watch as Leila threads a needle for Cara. Cara once again drowns the wound in vodka before taking the needle and begins sewing Eva up. I look over to see all the guys looking dumbfound. I can tell they have so many questions but don't know what to say. "Done."
My head looks back to Eva. Cara did finish sewing her. Leila is handing her a bandage followed by wrapping around her back over her stomach. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I continue to hold Eva's hand and lay my head against her arm. I feel a tap on my arm and look up to see Leila standing there. She places her hand on my shoulder and taps once. I take a deep shaky breath and then tap her hand once. I look around at everyone. Drake is brushing Eva's hair back out of her face while still holding her hand in the other still hooked to the IV. Cara is standing there her eyes locked on her sister while Parker rubs her arms comfortingly. Leila is still standing beside me. Mark and Brody are holding hands looking at my sleeping warrior.
"Uncle, they're here." Cara says on a shaky breath. Drake tenses but keeps his eyes locked on Eva.
"Surprised it took them this long."
"How are we-" Leila begins to ask but Drake cuts her off.
"We will discuss this when your sister awakes. Cara take the boys to the living room, I will be there shortly to talk with them. Leila, please stay with Eva. You know how she reacts when she wakes up. Be cautious."
"Yes Uncle." the sisters say in unison. Leila takes Eva's hand from me giving me a reassuring smile. I reluctantly let go of her hand standing up. I look up to see Cara walking with the boys following. I turn back and kiss Eva's forehead.
"Please wake up, I need you Eva." I whisper before turning around heading to the living room.
Time to tell the boys...

Possessive meets Fierce
RomanceEva Willow, a 17 year old blind girl who moves to a new town with her two sisters to live with her uncle. She has a lot of secrets and wants to lay low through her final years of school and keeping an eye on her sisters. Can she lay low or will she...