-Asher's POV
"Asher, wake up my love."
I groan and rotate my head on Eva's arm as I feel someone run their fingers through my hair yet again. I begin whacking at the hand which elates a soft giggle. Mmm that sounds like... My eyes snap open looking directly at the captivating eyes I have missed. I am quick to stand up and capture her face in my hands. I run my thumbs over her cheeks as she smiles and closes her eyes leaning into my palm. I couldn't stop the chuckle of relief that escaped me. Her eyes opening and smiling at me.
"My Eva... God, I have missed you." I say through the tears forming. I watch as Eva's eyes tear up as well.
"I have missed you as well." She says with a slight croak in her throat. I reach over to the night stand bringing a glass of water to her lips. She takes a small sip before resting her head back. "Where is everyone?"
I look around just now realizing we are alone. I look to the clock to see it is a little after 8:00 am. "Drake probably has taken your sister's to eat breakfast."
"Why haven't you went with them?" She says with a tilt to her head.
"I couldn't leave you Eva... not until you-"
"I was awake?" She says completing my thoughts. "I woke up earlier this morning. My uncle was here when I woke. He says you haven't left this room in three days."
"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask dumbfounded and confused. Why didn't Drake-
"You needed to rest Asher." She says with a concerned look on her face.
I reach up once again cupping her cheek and lean forward hesitantly until my lips gently brushed across hers. I felt the familiar sparks dance making me smile. I felt her smile as well before she pushed her chin up to reconnect our lips which I gladly reciprocated. I felt her hand come up to my neck while her fingers begin threading through my hair eliciting a groan from me. I pushed her further into her pillow while deepening the kiss. My hand gently tracing from her cheek down her neck.
We are pulled out of our moment by the heart rate machine beeping excessively alarming a nurse to enter the room in a rush. She clearly wasn't expecting me to be locking lips with her patient. She quickly apologizes and leaves the room making both of us laugh. Eva quickly winces from pain making me look down at her as she rest her hand on her chest.
"How bad?" She ask as she gently pulls her hospital gown down to the dressing on her chest. I gulp as I don't know how to respond.
"You were practically gone Eva..." I say an a whisper still replaying the moment in my head.
"I know." My head snaps up hearing her comment. Her eyes are closed as I see a tear escape and run down the side of her face. Her face showing an unfamiliar pain. "I saw my parents Asher."
My breathing catching as I wait patiently for her to continue. I gently grasp her hands in my own. She takes a deep breath before continuing.
"Their names were Arabella and Thomas. They looked so young in my mind. I could see them, hear them... feel them. They were their- with me. I almost didn't want to leave them Asher." She takes a shaky breath as I can see the clear distraught in her eyes. "They told me that I still had people to look after, that I needed to come back."
Her eyes looking directly at me. My breathing is labored knowing what she is about to say. Her hand releases mine before she cups my cheek and continues looking directly into my soul.
"I couldn't leave you Asher."
The tears I was holding back flood forward as I close my eyes tightly dropping my head kissing her hand that I am holding. I reopen my watery eyes to gaze upon her.
"I can't lose you Eva. I love you."
I say so genuinely as she gestures with open arms for me to hug her. I am quick to embrace her to me as we both hold on as if our lives depend on it. I felt her body tremble slightly as she cried on my shoulder. She turns her face to look up at me as I see those bright blue eyes once again hold me entranced.
I couldn't have felt more contempt than I did in this moment. Through all the things she has went through... She has survived and ended up on top after all of it. This warrior who has battle demons I couldn't even imagine says she can't lose me. I feel complete with her in my arms. My mind racing back to my first time seeing her. Her fierce personality and electric blue eyes captivating me. All we have been through leading to this moment... now.
"I love you too, Asher." She whispers out still gazing at me. I lean forward once again gently reattaching my lips to her. Within the kiss we release so many emotions. She is my everything...
We continue to enjoy each other's gentle caresses and lingering touches. Eva eventually pulls me into bed so I am laying beside her as she presses her forehead to mine. We close our eyes relishing in our own world. Her family coming back in to the room after a while. The girls lunging onto her. I attempt to get up but one look from Eva tells me not to so I stay put. Drake is giving me a grin seeing us together. We all sit around and talk for a while as Eva tells her sisters about her parents making them both cry.
Eva eventually tires out with her head still resting on me. Drake and the girls say they are going to go home to get washed up before they return. I nod my head at them as I get out my phone which I haven't bothered messing with for a few days. I see an overwhelming amount of messages. The news was quick to report what they believed had happened. They all reported it was a massive break in which resulted in Eva getting shot. None were correct however I believe it was smart to keep out the mafia part of the story.
I continue scrolling through my messages from classmates, my friends and then I see messages from my parents. I am quick to open it.
4:52 (Mom): We have seen what is going on. We are on our way home. See you soon.
I sigh rereading the message. It was sent yesterday meaning they would either arrive today or tomorrow. I don't have the energy to deal with them. I just now got Eva back in my arms and I have a feeling of what my father will have to say about all of this. I close my eyes forgetting about them for the time being. I have her and that is all that matters...

Possessive meets Fierce
RomanceEva Willow, a 17 year old blind girl who moves to a new town with her two sisters to live with her uncle. She has a lot of secrets and wants to lay low through her final years of school and keeping an eye on her sisters. Can she lay low or will she...