-Eva's POV
"Damn sis." Cara says while I gather my clutch. We are all currently in my room getting me ready for the ball. Cara said she was going to stay home with Leila tonight so I am going with Lucas. Lucas asked me earlier this week if I would attend as his date tonight per our bet a few weeks back. I told him that would be fine. Cara was reluctant to leaving me but I told her not to worry.
I run my hands down the front of my dress feeling the dress. I can feel how it fits to frame liking the material of the dress. Cara described the dress as navy blue with a sweetheart neckline. The dress has fall of the shoulder sleeves and a deep plunge on the back. Cara straightened my hair and did smokey eyes on me.
I smile and do a small twirl eliciting whistles and claps from my sisters. I roll my eyes as they both run into me. I gather them in my arms giving them a big hug and giggle along with them.
"Alright ladies, I need to steal Eva." Uncle speaks from the doorway. I kiss them both and take my uncle's arm. "You look beautiful Eva."
"Thank you Uncle." I kiss his cheek as we leave my sisters to their own girls night. We get down stairs and I can feel other eyes on me. I take a deep inhale and look towards the footsteps approaching me.
"Hello Lucas." I say smiling at him. I can feel him stop a step in front of us. I can feel his eyes run up and down my frame making me feel slightly uneasy. I shrug the feeling and clear my throat.
"Good evening Eva, you look stunning." Lucas says sounding winded. I mumble a thanks as I feel him take my arm leading me outside. Lucas still drives us to the event while my uncle and I sit in the back of the car.
My thoughts travel to Asher. Last week he told me he had to go on a date tonight and I still felt uneasy about it. Throughout the week, I could tell how he got tense at the mention of weekend plans from our friends. Each time I would rub my hands up and down his arm to reassure him. I realized that he doesn't like this anymore than I do. Honestly, I don't like the idea of any woman hanging on him. I trust him though surprisingly so I am not too concerned. I hope he is having more fun than me tonight. I don't typically care for these kinds of events but I know it is important to my uncle so I make an effort.
My train of thoughts is stopped as I feel the car come to a halt. Lucas comes and opens my door for me. He lets me know that he is going to park the car but he will meet me inside. I nod my head at him as my uncle links arms with me. He leads me up the entrance as I feel flashes of cameras go off. I didn't realize reporters were going to be here. My uncle taps my arm once and continues to walk in not answering any of there questions.
Once we get in the building I begin feeling A LOT of eyes on me. I tap my uncles arm twice letting him know I feel uncomfortable. He pulls me to the side of the room and hands me a glass of champagne. I take a small sip before some of my uncle's partners begin walking up and greeting us. I give gentle smiles however remain mostly quiet unless spoken to. Lucas soon finds me and begins holding my arm.
"Shit Eva, is that you?!" I turn my head recognizing the voice. My uncle as well turns his body looking at the interruption.
"Hello Parker, how are you?" I ask tilting my head slightly as he stops in front of me. He seems to be looking at me and Luca's conjoined arms.
"I'm fine Eva-" He clears his throat. I scrunch my brows in confusion. What has him all flustered? "You look... wow."
"Thank you Parker." I say with a small smile. "What are you doing here?"
"My parents and Asher's are partners. Asher should be around here somewhere..." He says trailing off looking around. My eyes slightly go wide. Wait- this is the date he was talking about?!? "Who is this this?"
"My apologies, Parker this is a family friend Lucas, Lucas this is Cara's boyfriend Parker."
I feel both of the gentlemen shaking hands and speak for a few minutes. Parker excused himself and walked away. Lucas then asked me if I would like to dance which I gave a gentle nod to. He led me to the dance floor where I could feel was very crowded. Lucas brought me in close having me place on hand on his shoulder and the other in his left hand. His right hand is on the small of my back. It's a little closer than I am used to but I don't say anything. We begin swinging around the dance floor. I allow the music to release my stress and just enjoy the dance. I close my eyes, a giggle escapes me when Lucas makes me twirl. He chuckles back. He goes in for the dip and I once again giggle making him giggle as well. Overall he was an excellent dancer but I couldn't take it seriously. The song ends and we begin hearing clapping. I thought it was for the band until Lucas leans in to my ear.
"They were clapping for you."
I abruptly stiffen realizing that while I was dancing I didn't feel all eyes were on us. I allowed the music to just whisk me away but now my nerves were on edge again. I smile while Lucas gives me a side hug. Some people came up telling us how superb we danced. We gave polite thank yous and excused ourselves.
We begin walking away when I feel someone walk up behind us.
I stop abruptly and turn around. I can smell the familiar scent making the tingles erupt. His voice rich like velvet envelops me. I can feel him walk up to me but he isn't alone and the familiar scent next to him is enough to gag me.
"Asher, Danielle."

Possessive meets Fierce
Roman d'amourEva Willow, a 17 year old blind girl who moves to a new town with her two sisters to live with her uncle. She has a lot of secrets and wants to lay low through her final years of school and keeping an eye on her sisters. Can she lay low or will she...