Chapter 63: Resolute

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-Eva's POV

The moment the everyone leaves the room and we let our laughter die down. Asher presses his forehead to mine. I close my eyes and smile while he leans forward pecking my lips. I hold him close as he continue holdings my sweaty frame to his. He leans his head back looking at me as I open my eyes to him. I cup his cheek rubbing it gently with my thumb as I feel his mouth pull up into a smile. His head drops as I feel his fingers gently trace over my chest where the bullet was. My body twitching slightly at the touch making his hand freeze. 

"I'm sorry" He whispers under his breath. I shake my head and lean forward kissing him again which he returns. I pull back before we get too engrossed again. God, I've missed these lips. I give him one more chastised kiss before gently sliding down his body. "Are you supposed to be doing any strenuous activity yet?"

I roll my eyes and take his hand leading him over to my chair. I pick up the remote turning off the stereo before walking out of the room. Asher's fingers intertwined with mine as we begin walking downstairs. 

"I have been stuck in a bed for two weeks Asher, I needed to do something before I went crazy. My uncle banned me from the gym for two more weeks and I can't get in the pool just yet." 

"We could do some other activities to burn off some energy." I can only picture his grin. I bump his shoulder as he chuckles. 

"I wouldn't mind..." He freezes for a second making me laugh. I release his hand and begin walking with a skip in my step. A moment passes before he finally begins moving. I quicken my pace leading him to run up to me wrapping both of his arms around my waist. He picks me up making me squeal. 

"Tease." He whispers in my ear making me giggle. I wiggle out of his embrace as I close my eyes listening for the others. His hand wrapping around my waist. I then hear it and know where to go. I begin leading us to the living room. I hear my sister's and the boys laughing making me smile as we enter the room. 

"EVA!" Brody and Marcus yell together making me giggle. I am quickly embraced by them both making Asher release me unwillingly. Once they release me I then feel Parker walk up to me giving me a hug while Brody & Marcus walk back over to Leila. I swear they must have grown an attachment to her. Leila even told me she likes hanging with them. I believe she thinks of them as the brothers she never had. Cara is last to hug me as she holds me the longest. I feel her sigh against my shoulder making me rub her back. 

"I love you Eva." She says lowly still gripping me. 

"Love you too sis." I kiss the side of her head as she releases me. I hear her feet shuffle back over to Parker's side. A familiar arm wrapping back around my side. I smile and turn my head to him. His eyes focused on me as they always seemed to be. 

"Eventually you will have to let her go Asher." Brody sings. Making me feel the heat creep up my neck. Everyone laughs while I feel Asher go behind me wrapping me in both of his arms while holding me tightly. He leans down to my ear whispering softly to me. 


I smile gently leaning back into his comforting embrace. His arms continue holding me firmly to him. Maria brings in treats which I hear everyone chow into while thanking her. She kisses my cheek on her way out of the room. I close my eyes and feel so much joy. A tear slips out from my cheek as I lay my hands over Asher's arms rubbing them gently. 

"I love you Asher." I whisper to him which he hears and pulls me tighter to him as he kisses the back of my head whispering it back. I smile and continue to listen to the friendly banter around the room. 

-Asher's POV

Ding Dong

We all turn towards the door hearing the doorbell. I continue holding Eva while Maria walks to the door opening it. Our serene moment now gone. I look to the two at the door and feel my muscles tense around Eva making her go stiff as well. I can feel her take a deep breath and allow her muscles to relax. She rubs my arms in a soothing manner as the couple walk towards us. 

"Good Afternoon Leann and Mr. Moore." Eva says politely while my mom walks up to hug her. I step back allowing room for my mom. She squeals hugging her making Eva giggle. 

"Hey guys, let's head to the theater and watch a movie." Cara says having everyone follow her out making it extremely obvious that they are trying to give us privacy. I roll my eyes but am grateful none the less. Leila stopping to give her sister a hug before she turns to me. She surprises me when she hugs me as well making my eyes go wide before I hug her back and she skips away. I smile at her retreating form while Eva wraps her arm around mine. 

"It's good to see you again Eva." My mother gushes as we walk into the living room taking a seat. I try pulling Eva on my lap but one glare from her and I release her as she takes a seat beside me. I then pull her so she is attached to my side. She huffs but doesn't move making me grateful. I then look up to see an amused look on my mother's face. She is attempting to stifle a giggle I can see wants to escape. My father's face remaining stoic. "How do you feel?"

"Much better, thank you!" Eva answers. I place my hand on her lap and she is quick to mindless trace her fingertips on my hand. "How have you both been?"

"Oh were good dear. Has Asher told you that we would like to have you over for dinner sometime?" Eva looks to me with a playful glare making me clear my throat. 

"No he hasn't but I would be happy to join." Eva then turns her face towards my dad who then looks to her as she smiles softly at him and nods once. My father seems to understand something there since his face softens and he smiles back at her. My jaw practically falling open. What the hell? 

"Actually dear, we are here to meet up with your uncle." My mom says sweetly. On queue, her uncle walks down the stairs and into the room. All our heads turning towards him as he walks over gently lifting Eva's hand making her stand. I stand up as well. He greets my parents before giving my shoulder a squeeze. He leads my parents out of the living room going towards his study. 

"So care to tell me your secret with my dad?" I ask nudging her shoulder. 

"No secret to tell, he wants to get to know you Asher." I scoff at her answer which results in her elbowing my stomach. I rub my stomach but don't comment further. "So..." 


"Our friends are busy, and our family is in meeting. We're currently alone.." Eva trails off while giving me an innocent expression. I grin as I am quick to gather her in my arms bridal style while I begin jogging up the stairs. Eva's laughter filling my ears making my heart soar. "Shower time." 

Her seductive voice makes me practically sprint while she begins kissing my neck. Fuck! I almost loose my footing a couple of times due to her nipping away at my neck. I finally make it to her room as I walk in closing her door and locking it behind us. I then walk over to the bathroom as Eva lips travel back up to mine. My afternoon becoming a whole hell a lot better. 

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