Chapter 29: I can wait...

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-Eva's POV 

"Asher you coming?" I holler over my shoulder. I hear him get up to before he follows behind me. "Your parents are... interesting." More like getting interrogated but yea lets go with interesting. He chuckles. 

"Interesting isn't the term I would use however I don't think I have ever seen someone handle themselves so well to my dad." He says leaning towards my ear. 

"What would you like to do?" I ask turning towards him. He gently takes my hand and starts leading me towards the back patio. 

"How does a walk sound?" He ask still holding my hand while opening the backdoor. I smile towards him. 

"Are you plan on kidnapping me Asher?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He stop and turns towards me. I feel him place his hands gently on my sides and lean his head towards me. 

"There are plenty of things that I want to do to you Eva but kidnapping is not one of them... atleast not right now." I feel the heat rushing up my neck and I know I am probably red as a tomato right now. He chuckles and gently kisses my cheek. "How bout we get to know each other." 

"Alright... You go first." He leads me over to the side of the pool and we sit down putting our feet in. I feel him put his arm around my waist so I lay my head on his shoulder.

"What's your favorite thing to do?" He asks rubbing his finger on my waist.

"That's easy boxing.." He chuckles. "What is your's?"

"I love boxing as well but probably riding my bike... No feeling compares to the freedom I get when I'm on it." I nod and place my hand on his knee. "Alright, back at school you were talking to Cara in a different language. What was it?" 

"Russian. Cara, Leila, Uncle Drake and myself are fluent in it. I lived a good portion of my childhood there."

"Why did you-"

"Uh uh uh... It's my turn Asher." I gently bump his side. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope. Only child however with the amount of time Parker stays with me, I could consider him a brother." I giggle and shake my head. "Why did you move from Russia to the US?" I stiffen and automatically Asher notices. "You don't have to tell-"

"We came here to escape our past." I give him a reassuring smile however I know he doesn't believe it. "What do you want to do when you graduate?"

He begins to lay back on the stones and gently pulls me back as well. Laying back, my head lands on his chest. "My life has been drawled out for me since I was kid. I will be taking over my father's business." 

"Is that what you want?" I ask tilting my head up towards his face. 

-Asher's POV

"Honestly... I don't know." I look towards those captivating blue eyes and run my thumb across her cheek.  She lays her head back down on my chest. Her hair is sprawled out so I begin running my fingers through it. "What do you want to do once you graduate?" She sighs.

"I want to be free." Her words are so quiet but I was still able to hear her. I know she has a story to tell but I don't want to rush her. My arm pulls her tighter huggingher while kissing her head. "How many girls have you've been with?" My abrupt stiffen causes Eva to giggle softly. "That many huh?"

"It's not something I feel proud of." I say trying to relax my body. "I don't like getting too close cause I think everyone will just end up leaving." I answer truthfully. She just nods her head still laying on my chest. 

"I understand that."

"How bout you?" I ask dreading the answer.

"None." Wait what?

"Wait, honestly?" I ask still in shock. She just giggles in response. Holy shit? No one has ever been with her. I sure as hell am not giving her to anyone. I can just imagine how many guys would want her knowing she was a virgin, they would look at her as a conquest. She has let me closer than most and for that... I admire her so much more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so shocked it's just not what I was expecting." 

"Never allowed anyone too close either Asher." She answers while sitting back up. I sit back up as well but don't allow her to get too far. "I have a lot of baggage, you know?" She sighs sounding like the weight of the world is sitting on her shoulders. I tug her tighter to me while she begins fidget with her fingers. 

"I'm not going anywhere Eva." I try reassuring her. "How bout a lighter question, Is your dagger really bigger than Cara's?" She busts out laughing making me smile. 

"Who do you think gave it to her?" She says turning her head towards me. I begin laughing with her. "I know you have a lot of questions but I promise I will tell you when I am ready." 

"I can wait.." Eva begins standing up and places her hands out to help me up. Taking them, she tugs me up. I pull her towards me and embrace her in a hug. I place my chin on top of her head and feel her place her hands on my back. She just feels so perfect, I wish I knew what she was hiding but I will wait if that is what it takes. 

"My turn, So who has more game- You or Parker?" She ask cheeky. I smirk and lean towards her ear. 

"Who do you think taught him?" She smiles and tilts her head. She taps my arm once. I looked confused at her. "What does that mean?"

"It means your safe." I think back to the first time I met her when she tapped her arm twice on Leila when Parker was talking to her. 

"You created a code with your sisters. One tap means safe, two tap means?"

"Dangerous or untrustworthy. Its how my sister's tell me when they feel uncomfortable or I know when someone is lying." I laugh now at our first encounter. 

"You didn't trust me or Parker when we first met you?" She thinks for a minute when she makes the O face remembering. 

"I didn't know you guys so I was telling Leila to be careful." I take her arm and hook it with mine tapping it once. "Don't tell Cara that you know. Only family is supposed to know." I smile knowing she trust me enough to let me in even if it is just a little. I kiss her cheek gently and linger. 

"Thank you for trusting me.." She smiles and kisses me gently on the lips. "We better get back inside." I whisper to her. She nods and I lead her back towards the back door. 

"I do have one final question for now?"

"Let's her it Asher.." 

"Would you go on a date with me?" I can feel my heart beat pick up waiting for a response. She leans towards my cheek and gives it a gentle kiss and taps my arm once. I sigh while she giggles. 

"I would love to Asher." I pull her in for a kiss and feel her soft lips grace mine. She begins to wrap her arms around my neck pulling me closer. I groan when I feel her press her body to my front. I can feel her smile in the kiss. "Asher, we need to go in." She whispers against my lips. 

"I know, I just..." I sigh and she pecks my lips one more time. I shake my head and lead her back in.

Cold shower here I come...

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