- Asher's POV
"What's up Ash?"
I lean forward putting my elbows on my knees while interlocking my fingers. My body still tense from earlier last night's conversation. After Eva told me she planned on not allowing anyone else fight for her, I couldn't stop thinking about it. She wants to take on everything herself... We didn't talk anymore about it and lounged in each other's embraces just relishing in the simple sensations of each touch. I loved how her fingers would trace each muscle of my body. Her smile never faltering.
She told me to hang out with the guys today after school since she needed to have time with her sisters. I left last night feeling nothing but pure dread. I didn't want to leave. She has become my comfort, my haven away from this lonely house. I look around the room sighing realizing how much my room no longer feels like my home anymore. Shit, for the last few weeks I've been more over at the Willow household than here.
My eyes looking over at Brody leaning against the frame to my room with a knowing smile. He drops his head chuckling lowly. I run my hand through my hair my thoughts not at all involved in hanging with the guys. Brody nudges off the door walking over to me.
"Alright man, lets have it." My head snaps up scrunching my brows together. "Clearly your upset Asher, tell me what's going on."
"Sorry Brody, it's nothing." I shake my head standing up. I take a step but Brody arm shoots out surprising me.
"Now I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to but I know for damn sure when your bullshitting me... Talk." I throw his arm away beginning to get aggravated. I look to the door to see Parker standing there with his arms crossed blocking my path. "What happened?"
"It's not-"
"Say nothing one more time and I will punch you." He warns pointing a finger at me. "Is it Eva?"
"Of course it's Eva." My eyes snap hearing Parker talk while Brody's eyes stay trained on me.
"Look Asher, Eva is one hell of girl and I am glad that you have finally found someone you're happy with. Tell us what's going on."
"I'm pissed alright!" I say loudly throwing my hands in the air.
"Pissed about what?" Brody says raising his voice slightly. He comes and stands in front of me. "Pissed that your not with her? Pissed she is blind?"
I automatically shove him hearing him question her disability. I never cared that she couldn't see. She doesn't even seem it to me most times. In my eyes, she is perfect... I couldn't care a less if she could see or not.
"Of course not! Why the fuck would I care about that?"
"THEN WHAT?" Brody says trying to trigger me and it worked.
"I'm pissed she got hurt!" I yell finally feeling defeated. I stumble back and sit on my bed. I put my hands to my head. "I'm pissed I couldn't protect her. I'm pissed that she won't let me protect her."
"Asher, she can-" Parker says walking into the room.
"I KNOW SHE CAN!" I roar. "I know what she is capable of. I know that she has done this for years... that's just the point. She is protecting everyone. Who the hell protects her?"
Brody kneels down in front of my putting a hand on my knee. I look to him feeling my emotions beginning to get the best of me. Parker sits beside me.
"You love her?" Brody ask in all seriousness.
"Yes." I don't even hesitate in answering.
"Do you trust her?"
"More than anyone." I say and watch ask Parker fake gasp. Brody chuckles but looks back to me.
"You need to trust that she knows her limits. She will lean on you when she needs to. Trust her and her abilities."
I nod my head still feeling helpless but at least I have my family with me. I can't believe how much I have been through with these two. I am closer with them than I am with my own parents. Parker pats my shoulder standing up walking towards the door. Brody following behind him.
"Plus I hear that we will get to see your girl in a bit according to Cara." Parker chimes in making my head snap up seeing a grin on his lips. "Cara says she has a surprise for me and you later." I stand up brushing down my shirt walking over to my brothers.
"But for now, we have a date with my man so lets go!" Brody says over his shoulder making me smile.
-Eva's POV
"Alright sis. What is going on?" Cara says sitting down on my bed. Leila is already laying down on my bed with her head in my lap. My fingers tenderly running through her long hair. I smile at my sisters wondering how this conversation is going to go.
"You know what is coming our way.." I feel Leila nod her head on my lap as Cara grips my hand. "We have a chance to end this for good and I want to take it."
"What do-" Cara questions but I cut her off.
"No matter what happens, you trust me." Leila sits up off my lap both of them looking at me confused.
"Eva, we have never doubted you."
"I promised mom that I would protect you both and I will continue to hold that promise until there is no life left in me. I plan on having the fight come here... I know the layout and I can combat our house accordingly."
"Eva, we can help." Cara pleads. I shake my head negatively.
"I will not be able to focus if you two are in the fight. I need you safe." Leila leans her head on my shoulder. I pat her lap as Cara does the same to my other side. I turn my head kissing her head.
We sit in complete silence for a little bit still holding each other. These two have meant everything to me for as long as I can remember. I lived for the simple task of protecting and loving them. I feel as if something has changed since we have moved here. It isn't all about them now, I have Asher. Asher... Mmmm. I smile gently just thinking about the man who has made my world change. I couldn't believe I told him I loved him. I haven't said that to anyone other than my sisters and uncle since my parent's passing. I don't regret it though... I meant it wholeheartedly.
"Alright my beautiful nieces. If you will join me down stairs. I have a surprise for you."
All our heads snap up listening to the intercoms my uncle had installed throughout the whole house. I giggle along with my sisters while climbing out of my bed. We recently learned there was a lot to this house we didn't know making it the perfect weapon. I follow my sisters downstairs into the living room.
My head snaps up hearing my uncle clear his throat. I still am trying to hear anything different.
"Alright ladies, I feel it's time for a little fun."

Possessive meets Fierce
RomanceEva Willow, a 17 year old blind girl who moves to a new town with her two sisters to live with her uncle. She has a lot of secrets and wants to lay low through her final years of school and keeping an eye on her sisters. Can she lay low or will she...