Too many suprises

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Hello my faithful readers, welcome back. I hope you enjoy this chapter.



The rest of the weekend went by too fast, it felt like only a couple hours.

The next door neighbors have moved in fully. Mom is pestering Jessie and I about inviting the neighbors to dinner. I somehow convinced mom to wait till monday afterschool, cause Sunday's are my chill day.

On monday morning, I woke at my usual 7:00 schedule. I took a quick shower and wore my favorite grey sweater and black skinny jeans, with my white converse. As you can see I dont care much about my appearance at school.

Even though I have my license and car, Bailly insist on taking me to school most of the time.

So I waited patiently, till I heard her familiar car horn and ran out side, not before kissing my mom bye.

When we got to school, I noticed the usual stares and whispers from girls were missing. I am normally talked about and made fun of for my outfit once I got on school ground. I brushed it off and kept walking.

Everywhere we went we werent even noticed, then I "overheard" (I wasnt eavesdropping) a group of girls talking about a boy. Well that wasn't new, but everywhere I went I kept hearing about two new student.

Bailly and I split up and headed to our classes.

Bailly texted me within seconds of entering the room.

"Have you heard about the new students" I decided to text her later, and walked in.

Once I got in I notice a pretty brunette with eyes so bright blue. I headed to my seat, when I felt someone poke me. I turned around and faced the girl.

She spoke "Umm... hey am new and well you seem nice so I thought maybe you could like help me around this shiz of a school"

I giggled at her comment, and told her I could help. We got along pretty well.

"Well you must be the new girl, everyone keeps talking about".

"Ya thats me, but I doubt I am all they talk about".

Just then the teacher; Mr marshall, walked in and greeted us. He noticed my new friend, and signaled for her to come to his desk. When the bell rang, he quited the class and ask her to introduce herself to the class.

"Hi I am luz Martins, I love just hanging out and stuff like that" she finished, and walk back to the desk beside me.

Mr Marshall started, teaching on geography terms. Then all of a sudden the door fly open as a guy walked straight to the teacher and handed him a note. From what I could see he had on a black biker jacket, and black jeans, and a grey beanie.

He turned around and faced the class.

I gasp a little too loudly, and my jaw dropped. No one was really payed attention... but him.

Then his pretty blue eyes scanned me and a glint of recognition showed.

He showed his oh so memorable smirk.

Then Luz poked me and drew whispered in my ear.

"I told you, I am not the only the only one people are talking about"

I said I guess, and took out my phone and texted Bailly.

"Bailly we have a problem, new guy is guy from the mall"

"Charma can you put your cellular device up so our new student can introduce himself". Ugh he picks now to be observant.

He gestured for mall boy to proceed.

"I am Jace martins, and I would advice you guys to avoid me" he said in a cold tone.

I was still processing what he just said, when I heard a his voice closer than before.

Quickly snapping out of my thought I noticed he was sitting in front of me.

"So you met my sister" he said nodding toward Luz, "Miss popularity" he said lowly.

They it clicked his name was Jace martins and luz martins. How didnt I notice. He called me Miss popularity so that means he remembered. I decided to play dumb.

"What do you mean Miss popularity", I faked a confused look.

"Don't try to fake I know it was you, your eyes, your face, and body I remember" he said with a wink. My jaw dropped again.

What that hell is he implying.I had other things to worry about.

I ignored the stares from all the rest of students.

"You didnt tell me you were related with him". I say to Luz quietly

She replied "Ya we are twins, but he is older. Wait you didnt tell me you knew my brother".

I really didnt want to tell her about the mall incident, but I was interrupted by Jace.

"She is the chick from the mall, I told you about". He frigging told her!!

I look at Luz and notice her expression. First their was a look of wonder then humor. Ugh she knew for sure and thought it was funny.

"Well, that explains why you looked irritated when he walked instead of seductive like the rest of the girls".

I smiled and faced the front trying to focus, when Jace passed me a scrunched up paper. I hesitate to open it, I finally opened it, and my eyes widened.

"What the hell!" shiz I said that out loud.

Then every one faced me.

"Miss Black, would you like to explain your outburst, and also read us that note?"



Well guys that a wrap on this chapter, hope you liked it I know it was long but please vote and coment.

The song- once upon a dream by Lana Del Rey. Also on the movie Maleficent



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