warnings, punishment, and hatred

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Hey lovelies I hope you like this chapter.

Dedicated to rckali

Thanks for adding this book into ypur reading list.


Your kidding me right why was ny name called along with Jace's. I had nothing to do with him, I had a feeling the text I got was a heads up to what was coming.

I kept thinking on what was going on, when I made my way to the office. I noticed I got glances and glares from alot of people.

"Hey geek stop now". I dont know who their talking to but that's rude. Then a tug on my hoodie gets my attention.

"Did you not hear me when I called your name, geek" she put emphasis on the last word.

I winced as she pulled me closer to her. I was just about the same height as her and just as strong but I refused to take her on. She has her daddy's money and I am pretty sure she bribed most of the teachers and principal.

"Umm... yes Janine, what did you need"?

I hated how pathetic I sounded but to survive I had to show weakness. Right?

"Haha you still weak and useless. And still have a horrible sense of fashion, but I am not here to talk about how idiotic you look. I wanted to tell you that your crossing your boundaries".

"What do you mean"?

"You know damn well what I am talking about. I have seen how you talk with Jace, I want you to stay away from him!"

Is this really what all this is about, that douche, that waste of oxygen, really what dis is about.

"Don't be silly Janine, I don't want anything to do with Jace. I really could care less about him, you can have him. In fact I insist you take him".

"I guess they are right about nerds, you guys are really smart. Just dont change your mind because I will make you regret it" she finally released my arm. "Ta-ta" she said turning away.

Ta f*cking Ta to you too.

I rushed to the office quickly to avoid any more confrontations.

"Ahh Miss Black decided to finally grace us with her presence" I frowned, Mr Bakeman was rude and sassy most of the time.

"May I ask why I was called".

"Well, Charma it seems you are involved with the vandalism of one of our halls".

"What do you mean, I had nothing to do with it".

"Well we have video evidence that you and Mr Martins, were involved. I am sorry to say this but I will like no argument on your punishment".

"But this isnt fair, I am completely innocent" I whined, hearing Jace's laughter I turned and glared at him.

"There is nothing I can do. And your name was written on the wall, so it points to you".

"Sir I have had a squeaky clean record, this is something I could not do".

"Well don't worry Charmie, Mr Blakeman here will go soft on us". The principal and I shot our head up facing the only dimwitt in the room.

"And why exactly are you so confident about that"?

"Because, if you haven't put it together. My father is Micheal Martins, owner of Martins education. Which funds this hell hole you call a school". He replied. "No if you will excuse us, I wil be taking Charmie and leaving".

"Not before you know your punishment. You have a week of after school detention" Blakeman said.

"Ya ya we will be there", that was all I Jace said and then he pulled me out of the office.

"What the hell did you do, Martins. Why am I in trouble".

"Dont you want to know how I am doing, we haven't talked since your little stunt".

"You are avoiding the question, what did you do that just ended my perfect record"! By now I was screaming, but everyone was in class.

"Dont throw a fit, all I did was redecorate it. And also add your name to the signing". I ran toward K-hall and sure as heck, there it was.

He pulled down most post of the posters, and there was sharpie in some places.

Then I spotted it, in a bold , scratchy handwritten. It said, "MADE BY JACE MARTINS AND CHARMA BLACK"


"Nothing you".

"Then why did you do this"

"Because, no one plays me. I am the player".

"What ever I hate you more now. And do us both a favor and make sure our paths dont meet".

"Was that Shakespeare, dear Charmie".

"No you idiot, not everything that has correct grammar is Shakespeare".

I start walking away.

"See you at detention, Charmie" he purred.

I seriously hate that boy, though he is cute. I hate him.

Oh shiz I how could I forget, compared to my parents wrath, Jace's annoyance is nothing.

Oh they are so gonna kill me!


Thanks for reading, I know I have been posting pretty late. I have the PSAT two weeks, so I have been studing.

The song suggestion for this chapter is drum roll plz...

If you can see me now- by the script





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