Fight and secrets.

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After that whole show, I was over happy. The fact that I told that bitch off made me feel like a lottery winner.

By the beginning of first period, it had spread like a wild fire. I got shunned by the bitch's followers and congratulated by the bitch's haters. And let me tell you she has got a lot of haters.

I still had her in first period, so you can feel the tension in the room. It feels like any time now there will be a right.

We had a sub since our teacher was taking a vacation. Wish I could do the same, school is being shitty right now.

Jace got a phone call, so he asked to go to the bathroom. It seemed to be very important, his face grew unreadable.

Right when he left Marcus walked over to our seats and sat on Jace's seat.

"What do you want?"

"Aww you don't remember our routine, the one where you give me your homework, I copy it and ignore your nerd ass"

"Oh hell nah! First of all, yes I remember the routine. But I am about to change it so instead of me giving you my homework. I say hell no and you leave with your rude ass" I said with a whip of my hair.

"I don't think so, what happened to you anyways? That Jace guy moves here and all of a sudden you go from geek to chick". Did he really just say that.

"Stop. Why are you even here. My boyfriend will be here any minute" I saw a glimpse of unrecognizable emotion. It was confusing, Ehh what ever.

"I just wanted to remind you what I told you about a week ago. STAY. AWAY.FROM.JACE. He belongs to Janine" then he muttered something that sounded like you belong with me.

"Leave Me The Fuck Alone"


"You heard the lady leave her the Fuck Alone, or will I have to make you" I guess I didn't realize Jace had come back.

"What's the worst you can do" Marcus smirked.

"You really don't need to find out, but if you stick around you will".

"Oh will you do something like this" he swung at Jace's money maker. His face you pervs. Lol

Just like that all hell broke loose. Punch after punch, groan after groan, and squeal after squeal, bloodshed after bloodshed.

"Marcus stop!!" I shouted. Nothing.

"Jace stop it right now!!. Please" he pulled back and looked at me sympathetically.

His face was bloody and scratched. If not for the past events I would have found it sexy, but I didn't. Blood disgusted me, it reminded me of best friend looked. I felt like throwing up, my vision was growing blurry.

He must have noticed my uneasiness, so he pulled me out of class.

"Babe are you okay" he sounded scared

"Not really, could you take me to the nurse please before I pass out"

I guess I jinxed myself, cause next thing I know everything goes black.

Hey who turned of the lights.

---------Marcus's POV-------

Ugh I literally am hating myself. Every time I try talking to her, I also end up insulting her or intimidating her.

It all started in 7th grade...

Its my first day at school, and I had girls flooding around me. I guess being a whore starts at a young age. All the girls were dropping like flies at at, what can I say I was still sexy back then.

I had english next, but I didn't know where I was going.

A really pretty girl came up to me and ask if I was lost. She was pretty she had this aura of nerd, but cute at the same time. I agreed and let her take me to class, since she just so happened to have it as well.

"What's your name" she asked

"Marcus. What about you?"

"Charma, spelt with a CH not a K"

"Pretty cool name, for a pretty cool girl."

She blushed

"Oh here we are. Why don't you talk to the teacher and I'll go sit with my best friend"

She walked to a blonde girl, the girl was pretty. But not like Charma.

After introducing myself we went all.around the class and asked names. The girl that Charma sat besides name was Janine.

I started hanging with the cool crowd cause you know my shoe game was on point. (Lol comment if you know what it means). But I became best friends with Charma and Janine.

After a while Charma and Janine started separating and shit started flying between them. Janine joined the populars and became queen bee. And Charma stayed true to herself, which I loved.

Janine told me one day to stay away from Charma if I wanted my rep to stay intact, so I foolishly agreed. Whenever Charma tried to talk to me, Janine either come over and and scared her off. Or I did. After a couple days she finally got the drift and gave up, and became the loner.

It became easier to dislike her and torment her with Janine around. But I still had a little flame burning in my heart for her.

So I guess you can say, by me messing with her I got my chance to talk to her. I started making her do my homework, and pulling her to lockers to get close to her. Hey!! you can't judge me.

I guess I made a mistake, but she is happy with Jace. The least I can do is try to be her friend.

I ran out of class and saw Jace catch a falling Charma, and started sprinting.

I ran after him, when he got to the nurses wing of the school, he told the nurse everything.

Then he turned and looked at me with hatred burning in his eye.

"What do you want?" He snared

"My best friend back"
Vote if you love this chapter!!!!

Awkward hey :!
Sorry I haven't been updating fast, but it's school. I am in advanced classes, so we do more work than others. And also it is almost the end if the semester, so extra work and anxiety.

Well anyways...
Song suggestion-
TEAM by Lords
No hate on lorde she is awesome.

Fan recognition- Sunshine7Werecat. Thanks for following me, and voting for my chapters. LOVE you.

LOVE you babes


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