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Completely not editedjusthadtopostitIhavebeenprocrastinatingtoo much.


"So guys how are we gonna do this whole party." I asked them

"Ya, this is a famous party, with famous people." Bailly asked.

"Ya and it is broadcasted live." Luz told us.

"Okay guys I am hungry as fuck" Bailly commented.

"I am too bruh" I concurred.

We ate at the food court, then left.

It was fun shopping with the girls and me got closer. Bonds were made, and I am pretty sure Janine is trully forgiven.

Sure we had our ups and downs, but in the end we had fun. We became true friends. In the words of the great unknown "It takes a shopping trip to bond a group of girls". LOL.

"Tomorrow we girls are gonna get down and we are gonna make it a night to remember" Bailly said.

"Definately" We said together. Except for Janine.

"Yass Bitches" She yelled

It was finally Saturday the day of the party. I am hyped and ready for it.

The girls were over at my house getting ready for the party, since they left the shopping bags in my house.

"Okay who is next" Janine is doing everyone's hair, cause she knows more about doing hair than any of us.

"Me bitches" Bailly screamed, running for the chair.

After an hour and a half of getting ready we were done, but our dates weren't here yet. We decided to watch tv and lightly eat. Well Janine did, Bailly, luz and I ordered a pizza.

It was finally 7:45 when the guys came over, we had gotten through a box of pizza even Janine had joined in.

When the bell rang mom got it and let the guys in and we walked down. The guys expressions were priceless, their mouths were open and they were gawking.

"Close your trap holes idiots" they shut their mouth in sync as Bailly ordered.

"Babe you look beautiful" Jeremy said to her.

"Aww thanks love" Bailly went all sweet.

"You look beautiful babe" Jace complemented me and took my hand.

And Luz followed behind me, while Janine was at the end. Marcus just stood there with his mouth hanging open.

Jace smacked Marcus over the head, snapping him back to reality.

"Umm, you look... well beautiful?" Though that was a story excuse for a complement, Janine took it with a grin.

"Hey Luz are you sure your gonna be okay?" I asked Luz since she didn't bring a date.

"Ya, it gives me more reason not to dance, and more reason to stay out if the spot light" she smiled softly.

"Okay?" I tried to say, but it came out a question.

She was about to reply okay, when Janine interrupted.

"Hey don't get well cheesy, with the TFIOS stuff"

"Hey let them get cheesy if they want, its perfectly normal. Your amount of bitchyness in your head just won't let you see it". Bailly retorted, which caused another snide comment from Janine.

SUCH A CLICHE (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now