1.1 intruder

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  The leaves chirped under my black combat boots, as i walked trough the thick forest. My quick long steps, where nearly silent. I cringed down at the dozen squirrels, that where hung on a rope, as they were jumping around with each of my step. I hated the bland taste of squirrels, but they were the only living things i could catch. Sadly, i wasn't gifted with being a hunter.

Looking at the my small camp, my heart skipped a dangerous beat. A figure moved towards the let out campfire. I dropped the squirrels down, glaring at the man in front of me. Fuck, i should of taken my bag with me. But yeah, no.

I took out my big hunting knife, squeezing it in my small palm, before sneaking on to him.


  I could still sense warmth from the little campfire. If i had to be honest, this place didn't seem a good place for a long lasting camp. The only thing that was supporting it, was a boulder at it's side. I have been out here for days now, stranded without food or water, without his group. I checked my revolver for bullets, 3 left. Well shit.

I saw a backpack, that sat in the leaves. Maybe i'll  finally find something to drink or eat, i think that i'm nearly dehydrated. The taught of fresh water, made my stomach flutter.

I cautiously crouched down for the bag, but froze midair, when i felt cold metal pressed against my back. "Ah shit, okay..."

The pointy knife didn't leave my back, "Get up." The small feminine voice rang trough.

As slowly as i cloud, i tried to stand up "I'm no threat, i didn't no this camp was claimed." I tried to reason with the person.

"Oh really?" A small hand reached for my holster, taking out my gun. The girls hand was tiny compared to my big revolver.

"Is this really necessary?" I let out a sigh.

"You're in my territory and i have no idea who the hell you are. So yes, this is necessary." The girl bit back. By the sound of her voice, I could tell that she was young, in a way, it calmed me. Suddenly, a plastic zip tie tighten around my wrists. "Don't trie to do anything you'll regret. You're lucky, i'm in a good mood. I'll let you go." She sassed out.

She pushed me to go forward, but i stopped turning back to her "Hey am-" I froze at the girl, she couldn't be older than Carl, "You're a kid." i mumbled out. Her tan skin was covered in dirt, her dark brown hair was in a messy braid and her jeans had holes in her knees.

"You have to go." She just answered.

"I'm sorry i- my group, they're at a church, i was chasing away walkers when i got lost." I tried to explain. I was out in the forest for 4 days. I tried to explain the best as i could about the church my family was in. The girl listened, as i continued to rambled about the location.

"I now where that is." She looked at the ground. "I cloud take you there..." She spoke and thought carefully about her next words. "Do you have a car?" She asked.

My mind raced to the bus that Abraham was fixing. "Yes, a bus."

"I'll take you there, if you'll give me the bus." She stated.

"Okay." I didn't mention that the bus, wasn't in working condition.

The girl picked up her backpack, and threw it on. "Let's go, we should be there at sundown."

We made out way down the forest as i decided to cut the silence, my arms still tied "The names Rick, by the way." My southern accent shined out. She didn't answer. "I thought we could get acquainted, if we were travelling together." I tried to make conversation.


I didn't really think that she would answer, but she did. "Where are your parents?" I tired to ask.

She flinched a little, i immediately regretted my question. "Where's anybody's parents?" She answered, not wanting to open up.

As Ellie and i both reached the road, a walker stumbled at them. I helplessly backed up, pulling at the zip tie. Ellie pulled out her hunting knife, forcefully kicking the walker on the leg causing it to fall down. She reached down and plunged the knife into its head.

The scene caused me to stare at the kid in front of me, she did it so naturally, not even slightly flinching.

word count : 726

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