6.1 welcome home

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  Rosita ran, her thick braids sparring from side to side, "Judith?!"

I strapped my bow back to my back holster, my brows shooting together. "Rosita?" My tone icy, warning her.

I had left my little sister while searching over an abandoned shack.

Eugene's worried expression came in my view, while he carried an deer corpse on his shoulders.

"She was just here, I- I don't know, Ellie." Rosita stuttered, her head spinning frantically.

"Shit." I said under my breath, turning to the other side I fell into a sprint.

When I heard gun shots, my heart beat went trough the roof.

"Come on this way! Clear!"

And then in my view came in the tiny, brown haired girl, her revolver aimed high, while saving a group of people.

My eyes fell on the brown hat, that once stood on the girls head, was now on the ground. I picked it up, before I sighed, a smile finding its way on my lips.

I marched towards her, "You forgetting something, Jude?" I called out.

Judith's head spun towards me and just as she spotted me, a warm smile was plastered over her young face, a smile I happily returned.

I handed her the hat, her small hand taking it, as her other was preoccupied with a revolver. "Thanks." She said, giving me a toothy smile, before her face turned serious as she looked back at the five people in front of us.

The four girls and the one scared looking man, averted their eyes from the young girl, to me, just as I sent them an overprotective glare over my sister.

"You got names?" The small girl beside me asked.

"I'm Magna," A girl with a tattoo on her chest breathed out. "This is Connie, Kelly, Yumiko and Luke." Yumiko, an asian girl, looked like she was about to pass out. "What's yours?"

Judith put the hat back on her head, "I'm Judith. Judith Grimes." I sent her a proud smile, as she looked back at me. "And this is my sister, Ellie."

I nodded at them. "Is she okay?" I gestured to Yumiko. For all I know, the girl could be bit, and I wasn't going to take any chances.

Magna looked back to her friend, "She hit her head pretty badly-"

"Okay." I cut her off and looked down to my sister, "What are you thinking, we're takin them back?"

I trusted the nine year old with my life. She wasn't just my little sister, she was my partner in crime.

Judith nodded. "We have to."

I let out a hm, and looked back to the small group. "We'll help you, but if any of you just try to do anything stupid, the girl won't see the light of the day any longer." Magna clenched her jaw, but nodded. "We can't stay here any longer, it's not safe. Come on."

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