6.10 just kids

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"You guys have fun, kay?" Michonne ruffled my hair.

I swatted her arm away with a laugh. "Sure we will." I turned back to the kids book in my lap, and the multiple kids patiently sitting across me, scattered on the fluffy carpet.

Michonne and the other adults finally left, leaving their kids on a play date and me as their nanny.

"Come one, Ellie, read further!" A small boy called out.

"Okay, okay." I swiftly sighed. "Where did we stop again?"

Suddenly the girl in the middle popped up. "At the part where the prince came to save the princess form the dragon."

I smiled at Judith.

"Ah, found it!"

And just as I was about to read further, a sudden knock came from the front door.

All the kids dramatically exhaled.

"I'll be right back, don't read it without me." I playfully smiled at them, before getting off the couch and went to the door.

I smiled at the woman in front of me, "Oh, hi Jocelyn."

Jocelyn was Michonne's lost friend from before, she showed up here a few days back. Her group mostly consisted of kids.

Something was slightly off about the woman, but she was Michonne's friend, so I trusted her.

"Hi, Michonne said that I could use your shower?" She politely asked.

I nodded and let her in.

We both walked in, where the kids chattered amongst themselves.

I pointed up the stairs, "The bathroom is the second door on the left-"

"I'm sorry, this had to be done." Jocelyn's once polite warm face, turned into a cold one.

My brows scrunched together. "Wha-"

Before I could even finish, Jocelyn whipped her fist right across my head, knocking me out.


Light suddenly filled my head and I could finally move.

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