3.15 family bonding

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"The brave pirate scurried down for her sharp sword, ready to face whatever danger she met from the depths of the ocean." I narrated my actions, a lisp taking over some of the few words.

As i grabbed my twig i faced it out of the wooden ship playground.

Suddenly, Negan popped up from under the ship, letting out a roar and waving his hands around. He jumped onto the ship, making me yelp.

"Oh no, the kraken got onto the ship!" A suden smirk appeared on my face. "But nonetheless, the brave pirate, wasn't scared at all."

I stabbed the twig into his chest, and he fell down onto the floor, as he let dying sounds out.

When he didn't open his eyes, i grew worried, what if i actually hurt him?

I crouched down, and dabbed on his shoulder, "Negan, are you okay?" I whispered, getting more and more worried.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, reached out and tickled me.

"Okay, okay! You win!" I laughed.

He stopped, and chuckled himself, "And in the end, the kraken and the brave pirate, grew to be friends. And they lived happily ever after." Negan finished the story.


The halls of the Saviors compound were cold, as Negan, Dwight and i followed trough them.

"I'll give you a few hours to yourself, you probably need a nap." Said Negan. "There are some fresh clothes on the bed, i'll come by later. Be ready in like three hours." As we reached s certain door, we stopped. "Dwight." He called out and Dwight quickly unlocked the door.

"This is you, little Sinclair." He pointed to the room, with a smile on face.

"Where's Daryl?" I gave him a look.

He chuckled in response, "Don't worry, sweetpea. Your friend is fine, well, if he behaves himself." He looked back at Dwight, "Anyways, would you guard my dear friends door, for a few hours?"

"Of course, Negan."

"Excellent!" Negan clapped his hands together, "If you need anything, Dwighty boy over here will be outside."

And with that, i was left alone in my room.

I sat down on the double bed, with a heavy sigh. I stared at the wall, for what felt like an eternity.

Things are never going to be the same.

Where they back at Alexandria? How would Cole react to all of this? Is Maggie's baby okay? Is she okay?

I thought about what happened, what would could've happened and what will happen.

I had to find Daryl.

That, i knew for sure.

My eyes fell on the fresh clothes on the side of the bed, i grabbed them and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom was clean, had hot water, and all kinds of different shampoos.

After i got out of the shower, i pulled on some of the clothes, that consisted of jeans and a white tank. Pulled my necklace back down my neck, Carol's necklace. The same one she left me when she left.

Carol would've knew what to do right now.

I looked trough the cabinets in the room, they were empty. When i moved on to the closet, i spotted a single pinkish tan leather jacket. Without thinking i grabbed it and threw over my shoulders. It was a little big, but it did the job of making me warm.

I pulled my dryish hair back into a side braid, and with a heavy sigh, i sat back down into the bed.

I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I haven't slept about twenty four hours, but i wasn't even physically tired.

After what felt like hours, a knock came from the door.

I instantly stood up from the bed, as Negan barged in.

He let out a chuckle and pointed at me with his bat, "Would you look at that, a brand new person!" He exclaimed, pointing out to my looks.

I followed my hands over one another, as he guided me back out to the halls. Dwight wasn't there anymore. "Do you carry that bat everywhere with you?"

Negan let out a sharp laugh, "This, this isn't just a bat, Sinclair, this is my prosperity, Lucille."

It wasn't the first time i've heard the name Lucille. I think, she was someone close to him and she died years before the outbreak. He didn't talk about her, but i remember because that's when he moved into our house.

I decided not to push on the name, when we came to a whole over look of the compound.

And that's, when it really hit me.

I can't do anything.

People are dying and i can't do anything.

These people, my family, are gone. I was forced to watch them plead for their lives, one last time. I can't go back to Alexandria, i can't go anywhere.

History is the only thing keeping me alive right now, even the thought of death feels better than watching my loved ones suffer.

I tightly gripped the railing that looked down on the whole compound. I just looked at more people suffering.

An arm fell on my shoulder.

"You know it ain't personal." He said, "I will always be your family, little Sinclair."

"'It ain't personal.'? You killed two of my friends, Negan. Two people i considered my family." I turned my head to him, tears threatening to spill, but i couldn't show weakness now. God knows i've cried so much in front of him.

Negan bent down, with an awfully serious look on his face, "They needed to learn. And i'm god damn sorry if i hurt you in anyway, sweetheart! Those pricks needed to fucking learn!" He shouts sent a shiver down my spine. He closed his eyes and gripped the bridge of his nose. And he said, now in a softer tone, "I just want you to know, that i want to keep you safe. And if you don't cause any problems, you'll be living here like a queen." He sent me a sympathetic smile, "You might think that i don't care, or i'm some kind of heartless monster," He waved his hand, dramatically, "But i do, i do want what's best for you. And i'm sure that in time, you'll come around."

But now, his words only made me more confused.


don't forget to vote!

word count : 1079


so, negan isn't planning on letting ellie go.
anyways, i felt like ending part 3 with ,again, a bitter sweet ending.
i'll try to start part 4 as soon as possible!

i love you so much, thank you for reading

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