2.6 a better place

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I woke up on the hard, cold floor of the barn. The only thing that was radiating any heat, was my jacket, that was placed over me like a blanket. My eyes involuntarily shot open because of the loud bangs, but this time, it wasn't the thunder.

I sat up and wiped my sleepy eyes, it was too dark outside.

More bangs came from the barns door, and my eyes traveled to people holding the door for their life's. Tons of walkers were trying to push open the door. So i rushed up to my feet and ran to help. I was still jacket less, so the cold scratched at my bare arms like a wild cat.

The loud thunder, rain and moans of the walkers all blended into a really unpleasant sound. I pushed the door with all the possible strength i had.

The wind didn't help at all, as i was pushing, it felt like that storm was going to destroy the whole barn.


But after a while, it all seemed to calm down, and the whole event felt like a bad dream.

So i went back to sleep, like the past hour didn't happen. But the thing was, i couldn't.

While everyone was still sleeping, i waited till the sun came up and crept to the barns double door. I opened it and the first sun shines hit my face, it made me pull one of my hands up to shield my face.

I went outside and was greeted with all of the dead walkers, that were taken out by the storm itself.

I never really took the time to think about them, about that they were people too. This is what the world has really come to.

I stood there, for what felt like an eternity.

"What are you doing up?"

I didn't have to turn around, to know that it was Maggie.

I turned to her, spotting Sasha behind her. "I couldn't sleep."

Maggie smiled softly, "Me neither."She smiled, but sadness glommed in her eyes.

I look back at the half dead walkers and ask, "What now?"

"We do what we are best at, survive." Sasha joined us.

"I'm not sure if that is what we at best at, anymore." I looked down to my boots.

Maggie walked up to me, "But we can't give up, i mean, surly after all of this, there has to be something good." I looked back at her, a confused look on my face. "What i'm trying to say, is that maybe there still is a place we're we could be whole again."

I looked down onto my feet. Maybe there was something good waiting for us, we just have to fight a little bit more. But maybe, it's just never ending misery.

Is there a place out there, were i could feel whole again? I really don't think so Mags.

Sasha's heavy stomps neared me, as she reached out to give me my beloved hunting knife.

"I think i haven't seen you without this knife, since you got here. Can never be too careful, you know?" I saw the edge of her lips move up into a small smile.

I smiled back at her. "Thanks, Sasha."

Maggie moved forward away from the dead, leading us to a clearing.

The sun was just rising up, so the scenery in front of us was beautiful.

We sat down on a fallen tree, when Saha spoke up, "A better place, huh?" Her voice cracked at the end. It made flinch. She was probably trying so hard, not to break down these past weeks.

"We have to believe." I whispered out.

In reality, i didn't believe. But hell, i tried.

"Why are we here?" She asked, not looking away from the sunrise.

"For this."

"I see it."

I zoned out from the conversation.

Maggie was right, moment were like theses, were what keep us going. Like that moment with Judith, i was feeding her peaches, and her little giggles made me melt inside. I can't deny the fact, that these people, were my family. And it fucking sucked, because loosing them, will be so painful.

That's the world we live in.


I jumped a little, from the unfamiliar voice.

I looked to the right, at a guy, coming near us.

Immediately, i jumped up to my feet and pulled out my knife, Sasha and Maggie did the same but only with their guns.

"I-i didn't mean to interrupt." We walked, with his hands up. "Good morning. My name is Aaron." He chuckled. "I know, stranger danger, but um... I'm a friend."

A friend. I guess that this is the person who left us the water? But why?

"Okay, buddy... If you don't want to be shot, i suggest you stay back." I said, tightening my grip onto the knife.

"It's okay, i'm not a threat." Aaron said. "I, i'd like to speak to the person in charge. Rick right?"

Um, what the fuck.

This guy has been spying on us, since god know when. All i know, he's been sticking around since the dozen water bottles he gracefully gave us.

"How do you know?"


"He's been spying on us."

The three of us said in the same moment.

"I have good news." He smiled at us.

But the sound of Maggie's creepy music box made me flinch.

God, it's too early for this shit.

don't forget to vote!

word count : 914


I'm so fucking sorry for not posting anything in a while, i recently had my nose surgery done and now that i'm feeling well, i finally finished this part. So don't worry, i didn't ditch this story, i'm starting to love it too much. And guyssss, this story is about to hit 1k, like omg????? Thank you so much <3

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