1.4 bit?

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  It's been two days since we got back at the church. I could proudly say, that I got found of the young girl already. She was so careful about every single thing she did. I was truly impressed.

Me, Ellie, Michonne, Daryl and Glenn were now clearing a small herd of walkers, Ellie volunteered to help their group as much as she could.

Michonne sliced the last walkers head off with her sword. We heard more walker moans down in the woods.

"Overs there." They all followed my lead.

We found walker chained up to a tree.

"I've got it." Ellie popped in, waking with her bloody hunting knife. She stretched her arm out to take it out. But as suddenly as she stretched out she was pushed back by Daryl. He pushed the small, off guard girl so hard, she fell down with a thump.

"What the hell?!" I tried to back up Daryl from Ellie, as she in pain leaned her back against a tree.

The others tried to pull him back. "Daryl, what the hell is wrong with you??" Glenn shouted. I was beyond confused at his actions.

"What the hell is with wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you Rick?!" He yelled, he now turned his head to Ellie, "She is bit! She could turn any time and what about Judith-"

"No, no you don't understand-" Ellie from her sitting position said.

"Ellie." I coldly cut her off. "Ellie show me your wrist." I knelt down to directly face her.

Ellie gulped, she slowly extended her arm towards me pulling up her jacket.

I froze, as my eyes hell on the red bite.

Ellie's eyes filled with tears, still holding out her arm. "It's two weeks, i swear." She managed to blurt out as her lips trembled.

I closed his eyes.

"That's not how this works princess." Daryl flatly said from the back, still held by Michonne and Glenn.

Ellie pulled the jacket back up "Bu-but bites kill people in two days, three tops. I've been with you for two. If i was going to turn, thank i would be turning already."

"She's got a point, Rick." Michonne tried to help out Ellie. The two have bonded over these days, Ellie and Michonne were more similar than i thought.

"This is impossible, every one that has been bit turns into one of those things, every one." I stated.

"Believe me, i know. I've seen a lot of people turn. And i don't know how or why, i don't." Ellie reasoned.

"El, how did this happen?"Glenn sadly asked.

Ellie hung her head down.


My legs were on fire, but that didn't stop me, it couldn't.

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