1.10 goodbye

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weeks later

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weeks later


So much has happened. Maggie, Glenn and the others came back. We went back to Atlanta. Maggie finally found her lost sister, but she died shortly afterward. A kid named Noah joined us, he was pretty nice. We were now in Virginia, where Noah hoped to find his family, but as always, luck wasn't on our side.

Noah sobbed out side his old house. His family was gone. I crouched down next to him and put an comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry."

Noah hugged his knees tighter. "Maybe if i came sooner, they would be still here-" He cried.

"Noah, please." I cut him off. "It's not your fault. I know nothing will replace your family, but we will always be here, okay?" I reassured.

He looked up to me, his face coated in tears. "Thank you." He cried out. Noah was older than me, but still his pain made me want to curl up next to him and cry too. We weren't so different, we both lost our families, but now we had a new one.


I reached out for a familiar book, that still neatly sat on a shelf, in Noah's house. Tyreese and Noah were downstairs, i decided to give Noah some privacy, while he said his last goodbyes to his family. My fingers brushed against its covers but suddenly dropped, when loud bangs came from downstairs. I rushed down the stars and into a room where Noah drove a toy plane through a young walkers head.

I sighed in relief, but my breath was cut off when my eyes landed on Tyrees.

He sat against a wall, clutching onto his hand that was heavily bleeding. He was clutching onto a bite wound.

"Tyreese..." I breathed out.

Noah looked frantically at Tyreese, nothing coming out of his open mouth.

I grabbed Noah by his hand, my fingers clutching to his shirt stronger than i wanted to. I looked into his eyes, "Noah, get Rick. Now." I ordered. He nodded his head and ran out.

I turned to him, my lips trembling. I slowly walked to him, as if a one harsh step would hurt him even more.

"Hey, hey..." I whispered. "You're going to be fine, Rick will figure it out." I grimaced at the blood, that was pouring out of his arm. He shook his head frantically.

His heavy breathing suddenly stopped, as he stared into a wall. He was loosing too much blood.

"Hey, Tyreese?" He didn't answer, his gaze still fixated on the empty wall.

I tore up some of my shirt, that was under my sweatshirt. I crouched down to tie it around his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. My hands were covered with Tyreese's blood, as he went paler. God where the hell was Noah?

Heavy footsteps came behind me. I went out of Rick's way, as fast as i could. "Rick, you need to help him." I breathed out. "He isn't going to hold on any longer."

"Everything is going to be okay- Glenn, stretch out his hand!" Rick and Glenn pulled at the bloody hand. "Come on, one clean shot!" Michonne took out her sword and took his arm off.

Everything seemed like a blur. Rick and Glenn were helping Tyreese out of the house. Walkers were pulling through the gate of the neighbourhood. I fought off the walkers as best as i could. Noah dropped Tyreese to the ground, to take out walkers, i rushed immediately to his side.

The sheet from his missing arm fell off and i tried not to look at it. At my state, if i looked at his arm, i'm pretty positive i would faint.

As we got to the car, a feeling that maybe Tyreese is going to be okay, spread trough my mind.

I sat in the back of the car, squished between Noah and Glenn and Tyreese, that leaned against the window. He gazed upon the sunset, as we passed some trees.

He closed his eyes.

I knew that he wasn't going to open his eyes anymore. My bottom lips trembled like crazy, when i managed to say, "Guys, he's gone..." I looked at my lap, hot tears filling my eyes.

Nobody said a word as Rick stopped the car. I could only hear Noah's faint sobs, i sat unmoving as Michonne and Glenn pulled out Tyreese's body out of the car.


"We look not at what can be seen, but we look at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal." Gabriel was reading a bible, as we buried Tyreese.




All good people.

Tear stains covered my cheeks, i could bring my self to turn back from the grave. A heavy hand fell on my shoulder and pulled me back from the rest of the group. I turned to someone, i didn't expect to see. Daryl Dixon.

"I wish it was me."

"Don't say that." His southern accent bit out.

"I can't get infected. If it would happen to me, everything would be alright, Tyreese would be here right now-" I felt more moisture in my eyes.

"Just stop, okay." He cut off. "Where did that tough kid went, that was back at the church?" He actually smiled at me. It was a sad smile, but still something.

I couldn't help but to smile back.


don't forget to vote!


  This took me a lot longer to write, sorry. Sooo, i'm gonna do a little self promo here. I published a new book! It's called "euphoria", it's a fan fix about the one and only Peter Parker. So don't forget to check it out! And thanks to everybody that votes on this book, it really helps. <3

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