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~Iris' POV~

I sat with Cassie in the living room a few days later, ignoring Luke's presence as he sat across from us on the opposite couch. Ever since he'd declared that he would find out what I was hiding, which he still hadn't thankfully, he'd been watching me like a goddamn hawk. Considering the fact that Luke had watched me closely before he deemed that I was hiding something, the way he watched me now was practically torture. The man always looked at me like he was expecting me to slip up in something that I was doing, suspicious of me and practically every move I made.

I hated it. He was on my goddamn case all the time. If I'd thought he was a dick before, that thought had now increased tenfold. Constantly, he was glaring at me, like even my breathing was something that personally offended him. It probably did.

His insults had only become even more rude and vulgar, something I never would've thought possible, but he proved me wrong. Hell, just this morning he'd told me that the "disaster between my legs" was "probably alike to a blobfish, both in look and smell." Having seen what a blobfish looks like, I was incredibly offended. The dickhead seemed to favor insulting my vagina, for whatever goddamn reason. He was just an asshole, plain and simple. It was either he insulted me or completely ignored me. Most often, it was the former.

"I want to go swimming." Cassie complained to me, causing me to glance over at her from my phone. I raised a brow, clicking my phone off. "I don't think I can do anything about that. I can't make a pool magically appear." I chuckled. She pouted, slouching back into the couch. Not even a minute of silence passed before Luke spoke up. "I know a place you could go." He mentioned, easily catching her attention. Mine, however, strayed back to my phone.

"Really? Where?" She gasped, sounding excited about this news. He paused, the feeling of his gaze on me practically burning. "It's just a small walk through the woods." He said vaguely, still staring at me. I clutched my phone in my hand, not liking that he was staring at me. "Can we go?" She pleaded.

Luke finally looked away from me. "Yeah, I guess. I'm sure everyone would like that." He said kindly, causing me to scowl. Why was he nice to everyone but me? "I'll just go let them know. We'll leave soon." He noted to her, standing up and, much to my relief, walking out of the room. I huffed, turning my phone off as I glared at his back while he stalked up the stairs. Cassie grabbed my arms and grinned widely, my attention refocusing on her. The smile on her face calmed me down and I smiled back, allowing her to pull me up off of the couch.

"Let's go change!" She squealed excitedly, already tugging me towards the stairs. I sighed and followed her down the hallway, entering our bedroom with her. I began searching through my dresser for my swimsuit, deciding I didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore that I couldn't wear it. Cassie grabbed hers as well, hers being a bikini whereas mine was a one-piece. I felt more comfortable in one-piece.

I changed in the bathroom while Cassie changed in the bedroom, hearing her knock on the bathroom door once she finished changing so I knew that she had finished. I left the bathroom, a pair of shorts pulled up over my swimsuit and my hair now brushed. She grinned when I opened the door, practically skipping out of the room with happiness. I slowly followed her out, shutting the bedroom door behind us before I headed down the hall. We headed downstairs, meeting up with everyone else that had already changed into their swimsuits, even Luke.

I sighed and plopped on the couch, crossing my legs over one another while I waited for the rest of the group to come downstairs so that we could leave. Eros suddenly came and sat by me, causing me to glance up at him as his swim-trunks lifted a bit more, exposing even more of his tattooed legs.

"Hi." I greeted quietly, peering up into his gray-blue eyes. He just gave me a little smile, relaxing back into the couch. Once everyone had gotten changed and come downstairs, we all followed Luke out of the backdoor of his cabin. We began our walk through the woods towards wherever it was that Luke was bringing us to, Eros and I falling to the very back of the group. I bit my lip as he walked far closer to me than necessary, brushing one of his large hands against my lower back. "You seem...upset." Eros mentioned quietly.

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