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~Luke's POV~

Iris smacked me on the chest. "Why did you leave hickies on me?!" She whined, quickly sitting up. I only laughed, watching her as she slid down into the water, casting me a glare as she looked at me from where she floated.

"I couldn't help it. You're mine, Iris." I said possessively, watching as she scowled at me and flipped me the middle finger. "What?" I pouted teasingly, sitting up and making my way into the water with her. "You can leave scratches on me and I can't leave a few hickies?" I asked, staring down at her with a brow raised. At my words, she blushed red. "T-That's different. You can hide those easier!" She defended, frowning up at me.

A snort left my lips. "And you can cover those with makeup." I retorted, pointing to the marks on her neck. She huffed, sending me a little glare. "It's still not the same." She mumbled defensively, though I knew she didn't actually believe that because of the way she looked away from me as she spoke. "Mm, of course." I said flatly, nodding.

She rolled her eyes and drifted her way away from me, the crashing of the water from the waterfall seeming much louder in the silence between her and I. "Come here." I sighed, rolling my eyes. Even though I hadn't actually done anything wrong, I felt bad for making her mad. She had me so unbelievably whipped and I knew it.

When she didn't come towards me, I instead swam towards her, cornering back against a wall in the cave. Her back pressed against the rocks and she glared at me, one of her hands grasping at a ledge to help her keep herself afloat easier. "I'm sorry. If you don't like that, I won't do it." I sighed, a frown on my lips. Did I like that I had to make that sacrifice? No, not at all, but if it meant I got to still be with her, then I could manage. It wasn't such a big deal.

For a moment, she just peered up at me in thought and then she sighed, leaning her head back against the wall. "No, I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I just...don't want to risk us getting caught." She explained, biting her cheek.

I gave her a soft smile and lightly kissed her forehead. "Then I won't leave any more." I muttered quietly, causing her to smile up at me. She pushed me back to create some space between us, briefly ducking her head beneath the water to re-wet her hair before she popped up above the surface again.

Little droplets of water trickled down her face and into her neck, some even sliding down towards her cleavage before running off into the water around us again. "So," She hummed, slowly edging her way closer to me with a curious look on her face. "I was wondering...Do you permanently live here? At the cabin, I mean?" She asked, coming to a stop just a few inches in front of me. She wasn't close enough to kiss, but she was close enough that I could reach out and touch her. Though I wanted to do both of those things, I did neither.

Instead I just shook my head, snorting. "Fuck no." I answered bluntly, evidently surprising her by the way she blinked. "No, I don't think I could permanently live here. It's in the middle of nowhere and I hardly ever come here." I admitted, shrugging. Living in a cabin in the middle of the woods just didn't appeal to me much. It was beautiful here, I knew and loved that, but it wasn't a place I'd have liked to actually live at, especially alone.

Sure, I was a grown ass man, but I wasn't so prideful that I couldn't say I had fears. Living alone in the middle of the woods, with no neighbors anywhere around, just so happened to be one of those.

Iris peered up at me curiously, frowning. "Then where do you live? Do you live in another state?" She asked, looking a little panicked about that idea. I snorted and shook my head, grinning at her. "No, I don't. Why would I go to a community college of another state?" I teased, chuckling. She seemed to remember that Andy and I had gone to the same college, as that was how we'd met, and she flushed in embarrassment. "Right, duh." She giggled, shaking her head.

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