Romeo and Juliet

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Drama class. Every Wednesday, third period. Luckily, it was a class that all, Betty, Jughead, Veronica and Archie shared. "Ok, class. This term we will be doing Romeo and Juliet as our class project," Mrs Monroe started. "Pick a partner and rehearse one scene then in a month you will present it in front of the class." The class was a mixture of excitement and disgust. As for many, they felt like the play was studied enough in English. For Betty, however, she felt ecstatic. Romeo and Juliet was her favourite love story of all time, and she knew exactly who she wanted to be Romeo to her Juliet: Jughead. She liked Jughead for a while now, but was always too scared to act on it. And same for Jughead. He too had been crushing on Betty for a while now.
Jugehad felt a tap on his shoulder and as he turned his face, he was greeted with the face of Betty Cooper. "Do you wanna be partners?" Betty said with a nervous smile.
"Yeah," Jughead replied, smiling back at the blonde.
"Come on, Juggie, let's go practice in the Blue and Gold. And try and not look sad when you're acting this time."
"But I just don't understand. We study Romeo and Juliet in English and that's great but drama! I don't want to act in front of everyone."
"It's not that bad. It could be something worse than the iconic love story, Romeo and Juliet."
"I guess, Betts," Jughead said whilst looking deeply in her eyes, "but it's not a love story. It's a tragedy."
"Jug, it's clearly about love," Betty defensively said.
"Come on Betts, I always trust your judgement, but you're wrong on this on," Jughead started. "The two star crossed 'lovers' knew each other for all of 3 days till they decided it was true love. And at the end of it all, they died cause they couldn't bare to live without each other," Jughead scoffed.
"Precisely, their love was so much they couldn't live without each other. How is that not romantic, Jug?"
"Their love lasted 3 days. I'm sorry, but that's not romantic, it's tragic. They practically died for some- some kind of-"
"Some kind of what, Jug?" Betty defensively said.
"Some kind of crush!" He exclaimed.
"Jughead, you're wrong."
"I don't think I am."
"Stop," Betty whispered as Jughead took the two paces till they were basically standing connected to one another. Like magnets with no space in between. "Make me," Jughead gruffly spoke.
Betty looked deeply into his eyes. The blue was as pure as the oceans and she felt enraptured. Slowly, but surely, Betty's eyes roamed his face till they reached his lips. She stood there, staring whilst Jughead on the other hand, was looking at her. He looked into her eyes like they held the earth. He looked at her lips like he was in awe of her; which he was. "Jug," Betty whimpered. Jughead raised his eyes from her lips and looked into her eyes, once again. "Maybe we could, practice the -uh- kiss sce-" Betty started but didn't have time to finish. Jughead, lifted his hands to cup Betty's face and his lips joined Betty's. They started off slow at first, testing out the waters. Their lips moved in sync like they had been doing it for years. But unbeknownst to them, it was both of their first kisses. Jughead stroked his tongue against her top lip to deepen the kiss, and Betty opened her mouth a little, allowing him access. Once she did, their tongues started dancing off each other. Each one fighting for dominance till they both shared equally. Betty moves her hands from his face to his neck over time, as Jughead moved his hand to her waist, not wanting to over step. After a few minutes, they both pulled away but stayed close; their foreheads leaning against each other. "Wow," they both said in awe. Breathless still. They stood there quiet for a while, clutching onto each other like they would fall apart if they weren't touching. "That was definitely just not a 'tender kiss'" Jughead quipped and Betty chuckled at him.
"How about this then..." Betty said whilst leaning in and they had a small, gentle kiss. "I don't know," Jughead started, "what about this..." Jughead started and then they kissed again, even more passionately and didn't stop until the bell rang shaking them out of their own world. "We didn't actually practice," Betty said.
"Yeah, maybe we could, -uh- practice later tonight? At Pop's? Like at seven-ish?" Jughead enquired.
"Are you asking me on a date?" Betty said with a blush.
"I believe I am, Juliet. So what do you say?"
"Yeah," she said with a chuckle, "I would really, really love that, Juggie."
They both looked at each other, giddy and happy, and then leaned in and gave each other a small, but meaningful kiss.
Over the next month, Betty and Jughead continued to work on the play and started to develop their relationship more and more. By the time they had reached their second date, which happened over 2 days as they couldn't get enough of each other, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. But, they didn't tell their friends about it straight away. Not that they were embarrassed, but they wanted to see how long it would take them to notice. It came to the day of the drama performance and it was Betty and Jughead's turn.
"Ok, Betty and Jughead, you're up," Mrs Monroe said whilst Betty and Jughead walked up to the stage. "And what scene will you be doing today?"
"Act 1, Scene 5," Jughead answers. As he did, the class, especially the Bulldogs whistled. Everyone knew it was the kiss scene, Betty and Jughead certainly did too. "Get it, Jug," Archie shouted whilst smirking at his best friend. Veronica and Kevin, next to him were riled up with excitement, especially Kevin.
"Saints do not move, though grand for prayers sake," Betty said in role of Juliet.
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take," Jughead spoke. Once he finished his line, without hesitation, he pressed his lips to Betty which she immediately reacted too. They kissed with passion for about 20 seconds till they parted, leaning their foreheads on one another. When they separated fully, they looked to the whole class. They were shook. "Wonderful! Jughead, Betty, that was wonderful! I didn't think you had it in you, Jughead," Mrs Monroe commented.
"Uh, thanks, ms," Jughead replied.
They walked back to their friends and they were still frozen in place. Shocked at how natural and how passion-fuelled their piece was. "Hey guys," Betty greeted with Jughead standing next to her. But she failed to get a reply.
"How long?" Kevin inquired, bouncing with excitement now he had exited his shocked state.
"How long, what?" Jughead questioned.
"Have you been dating, duh. No way you kiss like that for no reasons," Kevin said.
"Nearly a month," Betty answered looking back to Jughead with what could only be described as heart eyes.
"NEARLY A MONTH!" Kevin exclaimed. "And you are only telling us now?!"
"Sounds accurate," Jughead said.
"Well I, for one, am happy for you, B. You are positively radiating," Veronica said.
"Yeah, you guys look good together," Archie said.
"God, I am beyond happy right now, I need to sit down. Need to recharge before I learn every single detail about this, Betty," Kevin started. "And I want to hear everything."
They all laughed and it was the beginning of a new tale. As drama class finished, the tale of Romeo and Juliet seemed less woe and it was now a tale of Jughead and Betty. And unlike the two star crossed lovers, they would be together till death do they part. But luckily for them, it wasn't their time to go yet, not for a long time. Their future would not be finished by poison, nor a dagger, but it would end with both of them with a ring on their 4th finger and children by their side, as they would part into the next life. Betty and Jughead's love was eternal. And this they could both agree on; there was nothing tragic about their story, it was all about love.

Hey, so this is my first one shot I've done. I thought of it a while back, but was too lazy to actually write/ do anything about it. I will post more in the future, and please comment any requests: I only have so many ideas. I hope you enjoyed it!
~E <3

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