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[Betty and Jughead are enemies until they're not. Their school is boarding so they all live on campus cause it's just easier. Jughead and Betty are quite popular and I think that covers it].
The Riverdale's annual Summer Dance always varied in theme. This years was 'costume,' and the whole secret aspect of it was to not tell anyone what you were wearing. Hence, everyone was seemingly a mystery. That included the duo B and V didn't know what each of them was wearing or even if they were going. At the end of the night, they would crown Prom King and Queen which would be voted for by the students and the best costume duo would win.

Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews stood by the snack table at the dance. Despite the fact they weren't supposed to show their faces, neither were wearing a mask which covered much. And with Archie's red hair and Jughead's black curls, they easily found each other. They stood there talking for an hour or so until Jughead turned his head and his attention shifted away from Archie.
"Who is that?" Jughead asked Archie pointing to the other side of the hall. Standing in content, a girl in a blue dress which glimmered against the disco lights. "I don't know," Archie mumbled, "but hey, her outfit pairs with yours," he laughed. "Jug, stop staring," Archie commented raggedly shaking his arm. "Seriously, man, it's getting creepy." Jughead suddenly shook himself out of his trance and replied "sorry, just- wow."
"Go talk to her."
"I plan to," Jughead finalised.
Just as Jughead started to manoeuvre his way through the crowd, the screeching sound of the microphone tapping interrupted his movement. "You've got to be kidding me," he murmured rolling his eyes.
"Good evening, Riverdale masked students," Principal Weatherbee started, "at long last, it is time to announce this years court. And the winner of the costume ball and prom queen is... Cinderella." Betty's eyes widened in shock and she walked gingerly over to the stage. Picking up the hem of her dress, she ascended the stairs and a plastic crown was placed over her blonde curls. Mr Weatherbee smiled before continuing, "and joining the royal court as prom king is... Prince Charming." Jughead chuckled and walked up to the stage smiling at everyone cheering at him. "Thanks," Jughead said taking the crown off of Weatherbee and placing it on his head. He stood by the side of Betty, and looked at her in confusion. Jughead's brain was consumed with thoughts of who was this girl. He couldn't seem to pinpoint who she was. But one thing he knew for sure, was that she was beautiful. "And now time for the prom king and queen's first dance."

"May I have this dance, Princess," Jughead asked holding an arm out to Betty. "Uh- sure. Not like we have much choice," Betty commented, feeling rather awkward as she could clear as day see it was Jughead and they did not get along.

"You're beautiful," he whispered whilst looking into her green orbes as they danced. She moved her head down to conceal her blush but he had other plans. Gently, with two fingers, he lifted her chin and said, with a smile, "what?"
"Nothing, it's just no ones ever said that before," Betty blushed.
"You're beautiful, what ever your name is," they chuckled. "Thank you," she whispered.
"Can I?" Jughead whispered bringing her face closer to his. Instead of answering, Betty tilted her head and lifted herself up a little on her heels and brought their lips together.

After a few minutes, Betty felt her phone buzz from her dress pocket. She pulled away which made Jughead whimper and Betty smile in response. "Sorry," she whispered before reaching and grabbing her phone seeing a notification of 'V' calling her. She swiped across and deleted the notification before putting her phone back in her pocket.
"Crap, I've- I've got to go- sorry Juggie- I just- I-" Betty stammered.
"Wait, don't go!" Jughead exclaimed, his voice faltering in the latter half of the sentence.
Betty ran away from the gym without noticing how when she ran, her phone bounced out of her pocket. She ran to her dorm room and slammed the door behind her, leaning against it for a few seconds. "Crap," she muttered before rushing to her room to change into some sweats and wipe her makeup off.

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