New Girl

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Veronica walked up to the big building, her heels clicking against the pavement audibly, making everyone look at the new girl she was. She saw people stare at her and smirked. She always loved the attention. Veronica walked up the stairs to meet her peer mentor; someone called 'Kevin.'
"You must be Veronica Lodge," a brown haired boy in a sweater vest said as Veronica nodded. "Yes, and you must be Kevin. Pleasure," she said holding her hand out for him to shake. "Kevin Keller, at your service. Your new personal guide to this school." Veronica chucked and they started to walk down the corridor starting the tour.
"So what's this school like? Any social scenes? Hotties?"
"A few, not much, but quality always. For the boys, what you see is what you get. And there are plenty of good views here."
"Sounds like my type of school. What about him?" She said whilst pointing to a ginger haired boy in a blue and yellow letterman jacket. "Archie Andrews, singer, footballer: Riverdale's very own Troy Bolton." Veronica looked at him with interest. But it was quickly faded after the doors to the school opened with a slam. Entering the building in what seemed to be slow motion, Jughead Jones and the serpents, minus the Queen, came through the door.
"And who is that?" Veronica asked, whilst looking lustfully at the raven haired boy.
"Jughead Jones. As in serpent king, resident hottie, sadly straight but him an-" Kevin said before he was interrupted by Veronica. "Introduce me," she commanded.
"I'm not sure that's the best idea," Kevin wearily said.
"And why, pray tell, is that, Kevin?"
"Because, what? There isn't a boy that was straight, Veronica Lodge couldn't get," Veronica defensively said.
"That might be but, Veronica, he has-" Kevin tried again, but was cut off by Veronica saying "God, just introduce us." Veronica moved towards Jughead, purposely swaying her hips.
"Jughead Jones," Veronica purred.
"Yeah?" He turned and looked at Veronica confused, "who are you?" He asked.
"Veronica Lodge," she held her hand out and he just stared at her hand confused, not reaching out to shake it. Eventually she withdrew her hand and said "I've heard great things,"
"From whom?"
"Kevin... Keller I think," she said as he scanned his eyes over to Kevin who looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. "And why were you talking about me?" Jughead said.
"I was tryi-" Kevin started but was cut off again by Veronica. He huffed and sighed, bringing his hand up to his forehead to wipe the sweat away. As much as he wanted to deny it, he was scared of Jughead unless he was with a certain blonde.
"I saw you and was immediately interested. I was wondering if you would like to take me out on a date. Say today, 7 o'clock." Jughead looked at Veronica disgusted and shook by her offer and the sudden forwardness .
"No thanks. Taken," Jughead concisely said, before he walked away from the scene and to where he knew his favourite blonde would be.
"What the hell just happened?," Veronica bursted.
"I tried to tell you that he had a girlfriend," he said with a deep sigh.
"Kevin, I need all the details on her." Veronica immediately started conspiring in her mind.

Jughead walked over to the end of the corridor where he knew his girl would be and as soon as he saw her blonde hair that cascaded down in curls against her leather jacket, he smiled. He went up to her and leant in hugging her waist. The blonde, at first tensed till she smelt the coffee and cigarette smoke and realised who it was. Jughead squeezed her waist with one hand and moved her hair away from her neck before leaning in and slowly started leaving kisses against her neck. He pressed deeply, ensuring to leave some marks. "Juggie," the blonde said breathlessly.
"Yeah, Betts," he said still kissing her neck, "what is it?" He asked, using his hands to spin her around to face him in the eyes. "Hi," she whispered.
"Hi, to you too, love." She brought her face back again and their lips met in a passionate kiss. "Where were you? I thought you were going to meet me here 10 minutes ago." Betty asked once they eventually pulled away. "This girl introduced herself to me," he replied whilst looking at her like she was his whole world, which to him, she was. "In what way? Exactly." She replied, pointedly, jealousy creeping up her veins. "Hey, hey, hey. None of that. You are mine and I am yours. And she was a spoilt princess anyway," Jughead said, noticing her sudden tense shoulders.
"Forever and ever, baby. But that doesn't stop some people from seeing what is mine." With the sudden possessiveness, Jughead had the urge to kiss her. So he did. Passionately. He held her waist and positioned her against her locker wall. As they continued to move in rhythm together, people didn't move as it was a regular occurrence for them to end up kissing.

Veronica and Kevin, on the other hand continued on the tour. "So who is she?" Veronica abruptly said.
"Betty Cooper."
"Details, Kevin."
"Fine -uh-" Kevin sighed, "she's the serpent queen, his queen. They've been together since like forever."
"How long is forever?" Veronica asked.
"I'm not entirely sure. I think they've just always been together, since they were kids."
"He should be ready for a change in scenery, then." She smirked.

Veronica found out more during the day and found out she shared a class with the one and only, Betty Cooper. Betty didn't notice her. It was English, so Betty actually listened to the class. Veronica thought she would start out small, so she, because she sat at the back of the classroom, decided to throw spit balls at her. She chewed gum and attempted to get it into Betty's hair. Key word: attempted. She kept missing and it just landed on her bag instead. Betty eventually looked down to get a pencil out and saw the gum on her bag. She huffed and Veronica internally smiled, but on the outside she looked calm. "Miss," Betty asked, causing the whole class to look at her. "Yes, Miss Cooper," the teacher said.
"I need to go get my other bag," Betty said.
"From your locker, I'm guessing. It shouldn't take long, fine you can go. You won't need a hall pass as it's just outside."
"Nope. Jughead's got it. So, can I go?" Betty said, everyone knowing about the power couple.
"Be quick, Miss Cooper, it shouldn't take long." After the teacher finished and gave her a hall pass, Betty left the classroom with a smile on her face. When she returned 30 minutes later with her lips swollen, it was not hard to tell where she went and what she did. "Took you long enough," the teacher said with a sigh.
"Too quick if you ask me," she muttered and the whole class chuckled par Veronica who sat there grumbling, knowing she caused the fate herself.

The next time Veronica saw Betty was at lunch. She saw her walk past her table she sat at with Kevin and stuck her leg out to trip Betty over. Betty stumbled, but much to Veronica's digression, did not fall and plummet. Betty, once she balanced herself again, turned quickly around to face the raven haired girl, who seemed to have a smirk tattooed onto her face. "I'd say woops, but I really enjoyed that," Veronica smugly said.
"And who the hell are you?" Betty punctuated.
"Veronica Lodge, or should I say your competition now."
"For what, Inga Veinshtein?" Betty quipped.
"What else: Jughead, Of course. He should be with me, not some leather wearing snake like you,"
Betty chuckled grimly, "Ah, you are the girl Jughead mentioned."
"See, he's already talking about me,"
"Yeah, I guess. I mean, he did say you were a, quote, 'spoilt princess,' just before he decided to make out with me." Betty smirked whilst moving toward her. She placed her food down with a slam and picked her strawberry milkshake up with one hand and with a splash, she dropped it right on Veronica head. The ice condiments doused her hair and the contrast between the pink milkshake and the raven hair brought a smile to her face. "What the hell, you scum!" Veronica shouted, her voice echoing through the whole cafeteria.
"You might be new here, but don't kid yourself, you'll never be with Jughead. And you will never even try and get with him cause, strawberry, it won't end well for you." Betty started, "cause this, right here, is me being nice. Don't cross me again." She said, as she grabbed her tray and with a quick turn of her heel, she pivoted and walked to the back of the cafeteria where she knew Jughead and the rest of the serpents would be. Veronica sat there, frozen in shock like a statue, till she got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

Once she neared the table, some of the serpents looked at her in awe and some of them in fear. "What?" Betty said innocently. "We all knew it was going to happen if she continued," Betty finished and the serpents mumbled in agreement. For they all knew how protective of each other and their relationship, Betty and Jughead were. Betty placed her tray on the table and sat down next to Jughead, but he decided to lift her by her waist, with ease, and put her into his lap so she was straddling him. She giggled. "That was hot," Jughead said.
"That was me claiming my territory."
"And I will never protest to that." He said before pulling her face to his into a passionate kiss. He pulled away after a minute or two, much to Betty's disappointment. "How about we get out of here?" He asked, breathlessly.
"Please," she replied. They both exited the cafeteria hastily with their hands entwined together. No one really battered an eye at the couple and no one tried to stop them as they left. The rest of the afternoon was spent very satisfyingly for the two.

a/n: Hey, new one shot. This was a lot longer than my other ones. Hope you enjoyed! As always, vote, and leave any requests in the comments!
Always, E <3

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