High School Reunions

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{5 year high school reunion}

"Betts, do we really have to go?" Jughead begged.
"Yeah, we promised FP we would see him a month ago when we got the letter," she said whilst putting their clothes into a bag.
"But I don't want to leave Juliet," he said looking down at his 6 month old daughter in his arms, her hand holding his finger as she looked around the room inquisitively.
"I know," Betty crouched down and stroked his raven hair out of his eyes, "me neither, but it'll only be for a few hours. And she'll be with your Dad the whole time." Jughead mumbled an incoherent "Yeah," and leant down and kissed his daughter lightly on her forehead.
"Jug, what's this really about?" Betty asked her husband of three years.
"You know sometimes it's really annoying you can see through me so well," he laughed.
"Yeah, but it's because I love you."
"I know I love you too. Tell you what else I love— bacon I'm gonna go make some," Jughead laid Juliet down in her little cot, and when he stood up, Betty held his hand, halting his movement. "Jug, talk to me," she said, stroking his hand softly.
"It's just I feel like we left Riverdale behind. We finally escaped and I just don't wanna get dragged back," he admitted.
"But you never mind when we go to visit your dad?"
"Well, Yeah. That's mainly cause we just see him... and Pop," he laughed. "Riverdale was toxic, and I don't want to be dragged back."
"Jug, nothing is going to happen to us. We won't get caught back in. It'll simply be us talking about what's happened for the past 5 years, and then we leave," she reassured him. "But if you really don't want to go, im sure your dad will come up here again soon."
"No, no, I'm just nervous."
"Are you sure?" She looked deeply into his eyes.
"As long as you're with me the whole time, I can survive anything."
"You never have to fight anything alone, Jughead Jones, I'll be here with you every single step of the way," Betty punctuated. Jughead moved his hands so they sat on her waist and she moved her hands behind his neck. "I love you so much, Betty Jones."
"I love you so much, too, Juggie." And with that, he brought their lips together for a small, but slow kiss. When they pulled away, Betty kept her hand on his cheek and said, "I'm here for you no matter what."
"I know. I've always known."


Just when they got into Sunnyside Trailer Park and parked the car, Betty leant over and held Jughead's hand. He lifted his head and looked at her. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah," he reassured her.
They got out of the car and Betty lifted Juliet out of her carrier and the little baby giggled finally being let free. Betty swiped her golden hair to the side, "hey, baby," she cooed, "are you ready to see Grandpa?" Juliet said nothing, but Betty could tell that she was going to love it. Jughead came back around, their bag slung around his neck and the baby bag clasped in his hands. "I hope he's awake."
"I texted him an hour ago, he'll be up, Juggie. Just try to relax," she smiled.
In an instant, when they knocked on the door, it opened. And behind it, stood FP Jones, the Serpent King, with a giddy smile on his face. "Hi, Juliet," he softly said, taking her out of her mothers arms. "How are you, sweetie? Are you tired? Look we've got some toys here to play with later," he said as he walked her around the trailer.
Betty and Jughead smiled at FP. As much as he was tough in the gang, he was a softy at heart. "Nice to see you, too, Dad," Jughead deadpanned, still smiling at his Dad.
"Sorry, boy, i just missed her."
"It's fine, FP," Betty chuckled, "we definitely understand that." They manoeuvred around the trailer and dropped their bags aside the couch.
"So how have you guys been?" FP asked whilst he lightly bounced Juliet from side to side in his arms.
"We can't complain. Juliet is a dream, the newspaper is thriving and the pros of owning your own company include getting to stay at home more," Jughead answered.
"That's great, son. What time are you gonna leave for tonight?"
"Around seven I think?" Jughead turned to Betty for reassurance.
"Yeah, but we'll be back at midnight probably. Not like there's anyone there we talk to anymore," she lightly laughed. FP looked up to face his daughter-in-law and son, "still haven't talked to Archie I'm guessing then?"
"No, not since he stopped answering my calls. I'm pretty sure he blocked me. I don't know why but I don't care anymore," Jughead huffed while Betty slowly ran her hand down his arm soothingly. Jughead looked up at her, a faint smile on his lips and his eyes soft, and gave Betty a quick peck on the lips. She always knew how to soothe him. And he would never take it for granted.
"Anyways, we should probably be getting Juliet fed," Betty went to lift her baby out of FP's arms but he stood back. "No no no no no," he whispered, "I'll do that. You two do whatever I'll spend some time with my little granddaughter here." And before anyone could say anything else, FP sauntered into the kitchen talking animatedly to Juliet who was still attached to his hip.
"He loves her," Betty commented a prominent smile on her face. "She's impossible not to love," he smiled. "But now Dad's taking the forefront on caring responsibilities means Daddy and Mummy have some time for themselves," Jughead smirked.
"Oh do we now," Betty slyly chuckled before taking Jughead into the other room.

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