Tinder on a Bus

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Betty was sitting on the bus from the library back to her apartment. She always hated buses, they took so long and gave her a headache. To pass time, she went on her phone on the app, Tinder. Veronica had downloaded it for her the week before after complaining about Betty not having a partner to go on a double date with. So in true-Veronica fashion, she set up Betty a tinder profile.

Betty was consistent to say the least. Look— swipe left— look -- swipe left. She had swiped right a few times, but they ended up being creeps so she gave up. I mean, do people really think pickup lines will actually work?

Betty was swiping again until a raven-haired god-like man appeared on her screen. His face was littered with little moles and freckles and his smile was infectious to the point she was smiling at her screen. Damn she thought. But didn't swipe straight away, she just wanted to look at him a little more. After a minute, she eventually swiped, sad at not seeing the man again unless he swiped right for her too.


Trying to conceal his blush into his hoodie, the man sitting next to her took his earphones out and coughed lightly trying to catch her attention. Betty turned almost immediately and when seeing his face, her eyes widened. "I just saw you were on Tinder," he said.

Betty blushed a deep scarlet red realising it was the man in picture she just swiped on. Talking to her. Sitting next to her. Literally in the seat next to her. Not even 10 centimetres apart.

"Why wait? I would definitely have message you back. How do you feel about lunch now instead?" Jughead continued and she smiled and placed her phone in her lap. "I would love that, uh- Jughead."
"How do you feel about Chinese, -uh-"
"Oh it's Betty and yeah, I love Chinese. There's a place a block away, do you wanna go there?"
"I can eat anything, anywhere," he smirked.
"Alright; lets go then," she smiled.


"That was the best date I think I've ever been on" Betty said, chuckling slightly.
"Mine too," Jughead smiled whilst staring deeply into her green eyes. "Hey, what's your number," he took out his phone from his jeans pocket.
"Wouldn't it be easier to just use the app?" Betty smiled, nethertheless taking his phone and putting her digits in.
"Oh, I don't think you're going to be needing that anymore, do you?"
A large smile, one a Cheshire Cat would be envious of, itched its way into Betty's face. "For sure."

"Yano I didn't think I'd actually find someone on Tinder, but I think you've changed my mind," Jughead said entwining both of his hands with Betty's.
"Me neither," she lightly chuckled, "but I'm glad I found you."

Jughead agreed before moving his hand to her cheek, slowly running his thumb back and forth and slightly leaning in. "Can I?" He whispered and Betty lifted herself up slightly and delicately brought their lips together. They kissed slowly, a prelude to the series of pecks they gave before eventually pulling away.

/One and a half years later/

Veronica clinked her fork against her flute of champagne, getting everyone in the room's attention. "Everyone," she began. "Today we celebrate the true loves story that is my best friend, Betty and her beau, Jughead." The room applauded as they all looked towards the bride and groom in awe and acknowledgement. "I always like to think I am the reason they got together as of my spectacularly wonderful plan of making little Bettykins download tinder..."

A/N: hey guys, here's a little, pretty short one shot. As always, vote comment do your thang. Thanks for reading :)
E <3

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