Love Island

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[Love Island inspiration. If you have never seen the show, it is basically bitch-central, crappy tv, but it is so damn entertaining. This is like a bunch of one shots in a one shot (I guess) about their journey as a whole.]

"Betty, you haven't stepped forward yet," Pop announced, taking account of how every girl par Betty had been interested in at least one of the boys. "Just waiting for someone to catch my eye, Pop." He smiled.  "Okay, so next boy, please come down." The girls moved their heads to face the steps and walking down them, was a raven haired man wearing blue swim shorts and an open blue and black flannel shirt. Betty's eyes locked with his as he descended the stairs and went to give Pop one of those half-bro-hugs. "Hi, Pop. How are you?" He asked. "Very good," Pop replied with a smile. "Hey, everyone," Jughead started, turning to face the girls and away from Pop. "Hi," they all replied in unison.
"Girls, this is Jughead. You know the drill by now, or at least most of you," he looked at Betty then back at the group as a whole, "if you like Jughead, then step forward," Pop Tate said with a smile. Straight afterwards, Betty immediately stood forward her eyes still in lock with Jughead's. And at the same time, Ethel Muggs and Toni Topaz took a step forward, the two of them deliberately swaying their hips. "Jughead, so Betty, Ethel and Toni stepped forward for you, I'll come back to you in a bit but first let's talk to the girls."
"Betty, you finally stepped forward! What is it about Jughead that made you do that," Pop enquired.
"I'm not sure, it's just something about him. Sounds weird but yeah, definitely something." Betty and Jughead shared a glance with a smirk beginning to find its way onto Jughead's face and a blush creeping into Betty's cheeks. "Very well," Pop said, "and Ethel, why did you step forward?" She took a piece of her hair and twirled it for a few seconds till she placed it behind her ear. "Look at him!" Jughead nervously chuckled. "That's your answer?" Pop laughed.
"Yes," Ethel finished. The girls chuckled in a murmur. "Jughead, three of the five have stepped forward, but now you have the choice to pick who you want. Even the two that didn't step forward." Jughead nodded before starting, "I'm gonna go with Betty," he smiled. Jughead walked, with pace, over to Betty and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek before whispering a hello to her ear, his lips brushing past the skin. "Hi," she whispered back, "thank you for picking me." They stood back in line and Jughead had a hand clasped onto Betty's waist. "There was no competition."


Over the next few days, Betty and Jughead, as well as the other couples, got to know each other. On the fifth day of being coupled up, where Betty and Jughead were lying down on the outside beds, Betty's phone buzzed grabbing her attention. "I got a text!" She exclaimed and continued to open her messages with a few taps of the screen. "Betty and Jughead you are about to go on your first date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #firstdatenerves #oneonone #itsallaboutthelights" Betty shouted. She turned to face Jughead and was greeted with him already looking at her, adoration consumed his features as he smiled at her and she likewise.

Walking away from the villa, they held hands. When they got to the building, they followed the stairs to the side which led them to a room filled with lamps that hung from the ceiling. In the centre of the room, a round table sat where there were two glasses, a bottle of wine, and a platter of food. They walked to the table, mesmerised by the lights and Jughead pulled out the chair for Betty to sit in. "Would you like a drink?" Jughead asked, holding up the bottle. She nodded and he proceeded to pour the condiments into her glass and then into his own. "Thank you. Cheers" she whispered before they clinked their glasses together. "So the first date," Jughead started, lifting up a glass to his lips and taking a sip as Betty did the same. "The first date," Betty repeated.
"Are you nervous?" He asked.
"A little," she hid her head down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Why?" He chuckled.
"I don't know," she smiled, "you make me feel things I've never felt before and it's scary. But like a good scary."
"I know what you mean." Over the hour they sat there, they probed each other with questions about each other's family's, movies and, of course, books. "Do you normally kiss on first dates?" Jughead enquired whilst staring into her eyes. "Normally no." His face faltered. "But with you, I think I'll make an exception."
He brought his hand up to cradle her neck and slowly, they both leant in. When their lips met, a surge of emotion flooded both of them. Betty's tongue swiped slowly across his lips, as if she was nervous, and he opened his mouth a fraction, allowing her access. They continued to kiss, their tongues dancing with each other for a minute and after a few smaller pecks, they eventually pulled away. Their hands detangled themselves from each other's hair and they entwined their fingers. When Betty started to retreat back to her seat, he pulled their attached hand back in closer, minimising the amount of space between them and he brought their lips together for a second longer until they actually pulled away.

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