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[No smut. Bughead Roommates. Haven't dated. Only known each other for about a year. Aged up characters].
"Jughead! Get out of the shower!" Betty yelled at her roommate and budding crush. Living with Jughead was easy— apart from the exception of him leaving towels on the floor and his excessively long showers. Whoever said girls take longer to get ready, surely never met Jughead Jones.
"I'm showering," he replied. And Betty kept slamming her fist against the wooden door. "Jug, I'm gonna be late. I'm meeting Veronica in half an hour," she complained.
"Can't hear, water everywhere."
Betty sighed. It was common knowledge that Jughead didn't like the rich raven haired girl. They were too different and every time she opened her mouth, he found himself rolling his eyes which led to an argument, so he had no problem with finding another way to annoy her, even if it made incriminating Betty at the same time.
Betty stood by the bathroom door tapping her foot against the floor and she was close to ripping her hair out. 'Am I really going to do this?' Betty thought. 'Fuck it,' she cursed under her breath and opened the door. Betty stood in the bathroom, filled with steam, she sighed before taking her shorts and shirt before moving the shower curtain to the side. When she did, Jughead's face darted to hers, confusion and shock evident in his eyes. "Betts," he choked staring at his roommate who he had been harbouring a crush on ever since they met a year ago. "What— what are you d—doing?" He stuttered as she stepped into the shower, making him stand slightly away. "You were taking too long," Betty said, trying to sound calm, but inside she was definitely freaking out. "So you just came in here?" He chuckled, looking at the curve of her neck and the gold hair that cascaded down her back. "Uh— yep," Betty breathed.
Betty picked up the shampoo from the side and started to rub it into her hair, before moving to stand directly under the water, and coincidentally, bumping into Jughead at the same time. "Sorry," she gulped. Jughead took deep breathes trying to keep control but was ultimately failing.
After a minute of silence, Jughead gathered his courage to start talking again. "Betty," Jughead chuckled, "you're taking all of the water."
"Well if you got out of here earlier, we wouldn't have this problem," she said moving her hands through her hair.
"Well, let's just do this then," he started before placing his hands on her bare waist and clutching it, and moving her to the side and standing under the water. "Jug!"
"Yeah," he smiled, opening his eyes.
"Oh my god," she giggled before pushing him lightly back and moving back under the water.
"Oh so we're doing this," Jughead laughed, moving her again. "Jug," she whined, "I need to meet Veronica." He huffed at the mention of her name, "who cares. She's always late, leaving you to wait like all the time."
"She's my friend."
"Yada, yada."
Betty giggled and moved back under the water, but she didn't move him out of the way so they both stood there. Only a couple of centimetres separating themselves. Betty let her head sink as she could practically feel the heat coming from his body. "Betts," he said coarsely, and she lifted her head and slowly turned away so they were facing each other. Their eyes focused softly on each other. "Jug," she whispered letting her eyes droop slightly so they looked at his lips.
"I know this is a really weird space to talk about this but I— you see— ever since like a year— I really kind of— I want to take— sorta—" he rambled before Betty placed her hand on his cheek. "Jug," she softly said, "breathe."
"What are you saying?" She smiled.
"I like you a lot," he rushed out, "more than a friend." Betty's face broke out into a wide grin before she leant forward and brought their lips together. Immediately, he retaliated and moved his lips against hers. He tentatively swiped his tongue against her lip and she opened her mouth, allowing him entrance. Their lips danced in sync and after a couple of minutes, they finally released each other after multiple pecks.  When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was his eyes, blown and his mouth in a blinding smile. "I like you too, Juggie, a lot."
"Thank god," he breathed out, pulling her into a hug. Forgetting their nakedness, before he pulled away, "sorry, I forgot, we'll I didn't forget I just, you know I'm gonna just go back," he started to step away before she pulled him back into a hug. "With you, I don't mind."
After a couple minutes the water got cold so they started to get out and they went into their own bedrooms to get changed. When Betty got changed into shorts and a S-shirt she saw in her pile of laundry, she walked into Jughead's room and found him lying on his bed, flicking through the tv channels. When he saw her open the door, he immediately fell into a soft smile. "Hi," he gestured for her to lay with him. "Hi," she replied, digging her face into his chest. "Oo, I like that one," Betty said pointing to the tv where Jughead was still looking through Netflix. "Rebel without a Cause, good choice," he smirked.
"Wait, not that I'm complaining, but weren't you gonna go meet the devil wearing pearls?"
"Yes, but I'd rather be here with you."
"I'm glad."
Veronica complained about Betty's absence for a couple months afterwards but everytime Betty didn't care. She just looked at her boyfriend, who was already grinning, and smiled.

Hope you enjoyed. Vote, comment, do your thang.
Always, E <3

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