Serpents and Bulldogs

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[Jughead is the Serpent King. Him and Betty are dating and have been for a couple months but always meet at Southside. She's friends with the Serpents and all the Northsiders are pretty prejudice against Serpents and Southsiders in general].

With a slam, the door whacked open. The Serpents surged through the door into the churning mass of people located in the corridor. At the front of the block of serpents, stood Jughead Jones: King of the serpents and feared by Northsiders and Southsiders alike.

A small smile hinted across her face as she saw her secret serpent boyfriend enter the school.

"Serpents, please exit the premises. We don't want your germs intoxicating this school," Cheryl's voice boomed as she stood in front of the Riverdale High Students.
"Really, Cheryl? Not even two minutes," Betty sighed.
"Never try and tame the beast, dear cousin." Betty rolled her eyes before looking up to see Jughead already looking at her. She smiled briefly before turning on her side and picking up a piece of paper. "Okay, so let's split everyone into groups I will-" Betty started before Cheryl snatched the paper off her.
"People on the left one group. And the right of you this group," Cheryl commanded, ignoring the list. "You neanderthals come with me," she pointed to the group on the left.
"Uh- Cheryl, can I take this group?" Betty stammered.
"Why?" Cheryl turned on her red heel to face Betty and looked at her in bewilderment. "No reason-"
"Then why do you want this group of fleabags?" She pointed over in disgust. "Wouldn't you -er- want the group with less people anyway?" Betty deflected.
"Very well, cousin," she pivoted to face the group on the right, "lets go snakes."

"Pony, your school sucks," Sweet Pea commented as the group turned the corner during their tour.
"Tell me about it, Sweets," Betty sighed before continuing, "now at least you guys are here." Jughead hooked his arm around Betty's waist bringing her close, and leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Thank god for drugs, ay?" Jughead commented and the others chuckled.

"B? B?" Veronica repeated, her voice itched with worry. "Are you okay? Any scratches?"
"What are you talking about, Veronica?" She sighed.
"You were with snakes all morning. You might need to wash down to get rid of the germs." Betty rolled her eyes in annoyance and stood up. "I'm gonna go to the Blue and Gold," she pivoted on her trainers and walked out of the cafeteria. Jughead, from across the room, furrowed his eyebrows for a few seconds before rushing from his seat and following Betty.

Betty sat down on the couch in the Blue and Gold and put her earphones on, letting the music clear out all of the white noise. Jughead entered the office, smiled at his girlfriend who was tapping along to the music with her foot. "Betts?" She didn't hear him. He took two steps towards her and sat down, leaning his head on her shoulder. Betty jumped, startled before she realised who it was and returned to her spot. Jughead pressed his head back on her shoulder as she took her earphones out. "Hey, love, what are you doing?" Betty said softly.
"Leaning on my favourite person."
"You are smooth, Jughead Jones," she lightly chuckled. Jughead lifted his head and turned to face her, "Are you okay?" He asked clasping her hand in his, entwining their fingers. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I saw you run out of the cafeteria."
"Oh," she sighed, "Veronica was just talking about how the serpents are bad and it just— it just annoyed me. A lot. You guys aren't even bad, you are literally all little puppy dogs and—"
Jughead's chuckle interrupted Betty's rambling. "Babe, we have still got a reputation," they smiled, "and the Serpents can handle themselves. You don't need to worry about us."
"I— I just want everyone to see you for you. And to be able to have lunch with my boyfriend without all the stigma," she sighed.
"Come on," he stood up, taking Betty with him, "let's go have lunch. Together." Her mouth widened into a smile that would rival a cheshire cat.
When they entered the cafeteria at first, with their hands entwined, no one really noticed. It was a cafeteria; people walk in and out all the time. They manoeuvred their way to the table on the far right and sat down before Jughead removed his hand and instead, hooked it around her waist as she did the same, and leaned into the embrace.
Veronica, Archie and Kevin sat at the same table waiting for Betty to come back till Kevin's eyes met the serpents table. He gasped which caused the other two to prod him with questions about what happened. "Oh my god. How scandalous," he commented before turning to face Veronica, "Little miss girl next door with the Serpent King."
"What?!" Archie outraged before Veronica could say anything. "No, no. There's no way. B would never do that to us. To herself," Veronica said. "Archiekins, where are you going?" She asked after noticing how he started to walk away from their table. "To get some answers."

At the serpents table however, things were much more lighthearted. While the serpents talked in humour, Betty and Jughead whispered in a way that looked almost intrusive to just look at them. "Oh god," Toni commented, "Red head at 12 o'clock."

"Betty what are you doing?"
"Having lunch, Arch. What does it look like?" She innocently said as Jughead moved his hand from her waist to hang over her shoulder, and she entwined her hand with the one hanging. "Why are you with these snakes? Do you not know who they are?" He sickened. "Of course I do. I'm not stupid," she commented before Sweet Pea muttered "like some people" under his breath and a couple serpents chuckled, Jughead included. "Something funny?" Archie pointedly asked Jughead, his voice ironically laced with venom. Jughead said nothing but instead smirked bringing Betty's body closer to his and lightly kissing her cheek before whispering, "do you reckon if I throw water on him he'll disappear?" Betty chuckled before lightly scolding him with a "stop," that she said with a smile on her face. Archie, sick of waiting, forcefully clutched onto Betty's arm and dragged her up to stand with him. "Archie!" She shouted, "let me go!" Jughead abruptly stood up and menacingly said, "I would let go of her right now if I were you."
"She doesn't belong to you, snake, let her go back to her side. Where she belongs."
"Archie let me go!" Betty struggled against him, "you're hurting me." Jughead took a step forward, "let her go," he punctuated.  Archie lamely let go of her before pushing her to the side where Veronica and Kevin stood. Betty immediately tried to get back to Jughead before Veronica held on to her arm. "B, where are you going?"
"Over there," she stated, almost surprised about the shock on Veronica nd Kevin's faces. "What did you do to her?" Veronica questioned looking at Jughead, still holding onto Betty's arm. "What are you talking about?" Toni spoke up."Betty doesn't belong with your gang of misfits," disgust was evident in her tone. She turned to face Betty, finally letting go of her arm, "why would you want to damage your perfect reputation by hanging around with these venomous creatures?"
"You know what," she walked over to Jughead, "let my reputation be damned." Jughead's hands found Betty's waist and with practiced ease, he pulled her closer. Betty lifted her head and leaned in till their lips touched each other. They kissed with no restraint despite the audience they had. Her hands moved up and slid into his hair, tugging slightly. His tongue sweeping inside to dance with hers. When they eventually pulled away, Veronica, Kevin and Archie stared in disgust and the serpents didn't even bat an eye. "Do you wanna go-" Betty started but didn't get to finish before Jughead tugged on her hand and dragged her out of the cafeteria to the Blue and Gold. "Well at least they left this time," Toni chuckled. "Yeah, well anything's better than last time. You could literally see them-" Sweet Pea started but was cut off by Veronica scoffing. The three north-siders left the table and the serpents sat down again.
In the years, months and days following, Betty sat with the serpents everyday. No longer dissipating herself from her boyfriend and friends. It became second nature and the time anyone battered an eye at Betty being with the Serpents was when Betty wore her very own Southside Serpent jacket therefore taking her title beside Jughead, as his Serpent Queen.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. As always leave a vote, comment or any requests down below.
Always, E <3

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