Batchelor Party

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"I never really understood why people got married," Archie said whilst swirling his cup. "I mean, most people just get divorced or cheat," he pointed at Jughead, "did you know people cheat? They do," he drunkenly remarked. Archie was on his umpteenth drink at Jughead's batchelor party; which just consisted of the two of them. "Are you sure you wanna do that to yourself?"
"God, Arch," Jughead sighed. "Yes, I am sure. I want to be with Betty forever, I have wanted to be with Betty since we were kids, so just stop."
"Fine, fine I'll stop. Just seems like a mistake, you know?"
"Archie, I swear to God," he clenched his fist.
"One last night of freedom," Jughead sighed, "how do you feel?" Archie continued.
"Better if you stopped calling my marriage to be a confinement."
"Come on, Jug. Aren't you nervous?"
"No." He turned his face so he was looking Archie straight in the eyes. "This is what I want. I want to marry Betty. Our marriage is not a trap, so stop calling it that," he huffed and took his drink and finished it all in one gulp. "You know what, I'm gonna go," he stood up.
"Don't be silly," Archie giggled, "you already made us leave the club don't make us leave the bar. There is only so many places to celebrate your last night free." Jughead clasped his jacket in his hand and shoved it on. He quickly went on his phone to call a cab; a background of Betty smiling lit the screen and a little bit of anger dispersed.
"Jug, come on, don't go," Archie begged. "I'll stop talking about it, let's just go play some pool, yeah?" He gestured to the table across the room.
"Man, I really just wanna go home to Betty. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, Jughead dialled for a lift home and left.

In a rush to see Betty, Jughead, post haste, opened the door. He was greeted with the sight of Betty surrounded in a puddle of blankets, sat in the corner of the couch as she watched the tv. At the door opening, she lifted her eyes and raised her eyebrows in confusion. He wasn't supposed to be home for at least a couple more hours.
"Hey," Jughead gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before moving so he was now laying behind her, burying his head in her golden locks. "What are you doing home so early?" Betty asked.
"I missed you." She turned around slightly brought their lips together for a few seconds before pulling away. She opened her eyes first and saw Jughead sitting with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Slowly, he opened his eyes, pupils dilated. "I missed you too," Betty said, clasping her hands in his. "But why leave Archie? Did something happen?" She wearily said.
"No," he quickly said.
"Jug," Betty dragged, holding his hand. "Keeping secrets isn't the start to a good marriage," she reminded him. "Okay, fine," he gave in and Betty smiled, rather pleased with herself. "Well you must've known he took me to that strip club, that I hated and..."
"What?!" Betty almost shouted. "You went to a strip club?"
"Well yes, but no."
Betty raised her eyebrows. "I lasted about a minute before I ran out." Betty chuckled. "Anyway," Jughead smiles before continuing, "then we went to this other bar, and he kept just talking about how marriage is bad and 'having one girl for the rest of your life'" Jughead mimicked, "And I was just sick of it, I guess." Jughead moved his eyes from her hand, where he was playing subconsciously with her engagement ring and looked at her eyes.
"I love you for defending us, and I love you for you," Betty smiled.
"I love you so much, Betty Jones."
"Not yet," she chuckled.
"Not soon enough," Jughead said.

A/N: returning from the dead. Enjoy!
E <3

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