Get the Nerve

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"GAIUS!" I'm screaming.

"Sire, bring him in here. What on earth happened??" He asks. "Gwaine, I need bandages, quickly."

"He got shot with an enchanted arrow, it was meant for me. The man said it would kill him slowly."

"Sire, are you sure it was an enchantment?" Gaius looks worried.

"Yes. Why? What's the problem?" I demand, panicking now. "Can't you heal him??"

"I can cure the infection, but I cannot do anything about the enchantment. I am sorry, even if I knew how to phrase the spell, I would not have the power to do so. On,y Merlin can. I will try and fight the infection and do what I can." He says, clearly trying to hold himself together.

"Arthur!" Gwen burst into the chambers. "Gwaine told me what happened, here are the bandages."

"Where has Gwaine gone?" I demand, furious.

"He's sobbing in his chambers and Percival is with him." Gwen explains and leaves to go fetch Morgana. "Maybe she can help."

"Ah." I say and begin to pace.

"Your majesty, I am trying to concoct something to fight the infection and you pacing about is not helping. If you wish to stay, then please make yourself useful and expose his wound." Gaius shrieks and leaves to find some herb.

I instantly do as he says, praying to a god that I don't even know if I believe in anymore that everything will be okay and that this isn't the end. It can't be the end, not yet.

"Arthur." Morgana is here. "Gwen told me."

"Morgana, you have magic, can you save him?" I plead.

"You're in love!" My half-sister realizes. "I'm sorry, Arthur, but I cannot help Merlin, even though I want nothing more to. I'm truly sorry. Does he feel the same way?"

"Yes. If he wakes up, regardless of if the enchantment will succeed or not, I intend to ask Merlin to marry me." I explain the trials of getting back to Camelot.

"That's perfect." She squeals. "If you'd like, I can ask Gwen's father to prepare a ring for you."

"That would be lovely, Morgana, thank you." I accept. "Please have him hurry."

Just after she leaves, Gaius and Lancelot enter.

"Thank you. Lancelot, I need the potion. Merlin, my boy, I'm sorry." Gaius winces.

He presses the potion soaked cloth to Merlin's shoulder and even though he's far from consciousness, a gasp and yell erupt from his lips.

It's another day before Merlin wakes up and I have the ring ready.

"Merlin, I need to talk to you. I want to ask you something. I love you, and I can't rule Camelot alone. Will you help me?" I ask, afraid he'll say no.

"Like an advisor?" He asks, a little confused.

"Like a king. Will you marry me?" I get the nerve to ask.

AN :
What'll he say?? Answer coming soon!

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