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Warning, written so tears may be shed.

"Gwen, I'm worried about Arthur. He thinks Merlin's talking to him." Morgana explains as Gwen brushes her hair. "The funeral's today."

"What about the soul thing Gaius did? Would that explain it?" Gwen replies.

"It would, but I asked Gaius about it and said that Merlin died before it could become permanent." Morgana cries a little. "Merlin's gone."

"But..." Gwen protests slightly.

"Gwen. He's dead. You saw his body. Merlin's dead." Morgana starts full on crying now.

I slip away from their door and go back to our -no my- chambers.

"Merlin's dead." I repeat to myself. "Merlin is dead."

Hey. I'm not dead.

You're not real. You died and this is not real.

I'm real.

No, you're not. You died and the spell didn't work. You're just my imagination.

Arthur, please.

"You're just in my head!" I shout. "Get out of my head!"

I'm sorry, Arthur, but I can't. You know I could never leave you.

"But you did!" I sob. "You died and you left me!"

I didn't mean to.

You said you'd come back when I needed you. Well, I need you, Merlin! NOW!

"Sire? Is all well?" Sir Mordred asks, coming in.

I try and collect myself before turning around. "It will be, eventually."

"We're sending the boat off today. Gaius wants you to say a few words." He says, almost crying himself.

We ride to the lake of Avalon and before I say anything, hundreds of thousands of druids come out from the woods. Merlin's dragon flies in too. Everyone says goodbye and speaks until it's my turn.

"We're here to-day to say goodbye to our friend, Merlin. Merlin... Merlin was everything to me and it was my honor to have been married to him for 10 minutes before he died. He was not only everything to me, but to so many. Merlin died because he saved me from a cure and I swear that I will never let his sacrifice be forgotten by history. Today we're here to say goodbye to the greatest warlock to walk the earth, the biggest dollophead who ever lived. I love you, Merlin, and I'll see you again some day." I'm sobbing by now.

Before I can push the boat into the water, a druid speaks up. "King Arthur, that day may be sooner than you think. Emrys is immortal and he will return soon."

"Then I will count the minutes. Goodbye, Love." I push the boat into the water and when everyone but I have left, the boat disappears.


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