When You Need Me

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"Sire, you must leave!" Gaius tries to kick me out of his chambers.

"MERLIN!" I scream and fight against Gwaine as he and Lance shove me out the door. "MERLIN!" I pound my fist on the wooden door leading to the physicians's chamber.

"Princess, Lance and Gaius will do all they can." Gwaine tried to calm me down.

"The best they can might not be good enough. The best they can might still let my Merlin die!" I snap. "If my fiancé is going to die then I am going to be by his side."

"Arthur, come on. Get some rest, sire. Merlin will be waiting for you." Gwaine closed the door of my chambers.

Regardless of what Merlin thinks, I'm not completely useless. I can dress myself, I just choose not to.

"Pull it together, Arthur. Merlin needs you to be strong, not a whimpering child." I try and sleep but every fiber of my being is telling me that I should be with my Merlin, that I shouldn't be resting while he's in pain. I don't know how long I lay there until someone knocks at the door.

Lancelot is the only one who knocks like that.

"Lancelot, how is he?" I stammer, throwing open the door.

"Come with me, Arthur, and hurry. Gaius isn't sure how much longer we have." He urges.

We run to Gaius's chambers to find them, Merlin looking seconds away from death. Gaius drags me away to talk.

"What can be done?" I demand. "I will do anything."

"Arthur, there is a spell, it would tie your souls together." Gaius explains.

"Do it, Gaius." I instantly agree, consequences be dammed.

"Your intended won't like it." He warns.

"I am his king until the day we're wed. As such, I order you to." I smirk.

"Very well, sire. Come." He gestures.

"Gaius? Arthur? What're you doing?" Merlin asks weakly. "You can't save me."

"But I can bind you to Arthur." Gaius states simply.

"NO! I won't let you!" He shouts as firmly as he can. "Arthur, don't do this. You'll live forever until I wake up."

"I would wait for you for eternity, Clotpole. Gaius, please." I smile.

Gaius grasps my hand and Merlin's, holding them together. "trwy drefn y dduwies driphlyg, yr wyf yn clymu'r ddau enaid hyn at ei gilydd. efallai y bydd eu bywydau a'u cyrff yn cydblethu am byth. gwnaf hynny fel offeiriad y dduwies driphlyg ac ymgynghorydd ei fawredd. efallai y bydd y dduwies driphlyg yn edrych i lawr ar y pâr hwn yn ffafriol ar gyfer yr holl dragwyddoldeb. You are wed."

Gaius collapses, promising to return once he regained his strength.

"You idiot. Do you know what you've done?" Merlin demands.

"Yes, I do, love. I know exactly what I've done. I've kept you safe." I promise.

"At what cost to you?" He argues.

"It doesn't matter. I will pay the price, whatever it may end up being. Your life is worth more than any price." I reaffirm.

"Arthur?" Merlin asks, terrified.

"Hey, I'm right here. Right here love." I clasp his hand and hold him.

"I don't want to die. I... I don't want to die." He stammers.

"You're not going to die. Not really. You're just going to sleep for a while. Then one day you'll wake up and I'll be waiting for you. And then you can polish my armor and clean my boots like normal." I try and soothe. "Except you won't, because you'll be a king, my husband."

"I love you, Arthur Pendragon." He smiles sadly. "Will you take me to the Lake of Avalon?"

"I love you too, Merlin Pendragon. I will love you as long as we live." I promise. "I will wait for you there for the rest of my life."

"So forever?" He asks.

"Forever." I swear.

"Will you hold me, until..." He trails off.

"Of course." I smile, crying. "I love you."

"I love you too, Arthur........" And with that, he dies.

I try and tell myself that he's not really gone, but it's not use. A wail erupts from my lips causing Lancelot to run in.

"Arthur?" Lance's face falls when he sees Merlin. "Is he really gone?"

"No. It's his destiny to be immortal. Merlin will be back. When I cannot tell you." Gaius explains. "Where did he want to be buried?"

"The Lake of Avalon." I sniffle, sobbing.

Hey, prat. Didn't you tell me no man is worth your tears?

Am I hallucinating?

No, love. Our souls are bound together. Part of me lives in you, and you in me. Half of me is alive in your head.

When will you be back?

When you need me.


I'm sorry! But I had to!! Merlin won't be dead for long, I promise!! Sorry for not updating sooner!!

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