1. Unknown Friends

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I knocked on the door. I hoped this is the correct place. Considering Newt had given me the address you'd never know where you'd end up. At least this time the address was in an actual neighborhood and not in the middle of nowhere. Newt liked going on expeditions to find new creatures far away. So it would come as no surprise that even in a normal neighborhood like this, there was a chance of there being an extraordinary animal behind its doors.

So far everything looked normal though. Except for the landlord who had asked me many questions before she had finally let me in.

The door finally opened, a kind looking woman stood in the doorway. She had short black hair and this adorable roundish face. There was a frown plastered on her face and a look of uncertainty in her eyes.

"Hi" I smiled politely. Her frown deepened,

"Who are you?" she sounded suspicious. She must not like strangers.
Before I could answer a familiar voice called out behind her.

"Drew! You've made it" all of a sudden Newt appeared in front of me and pulled me into a big hug.

"Hey! I've missed you" I grinned hugging the guy back. Once the hug ended Newt turned towards the woman.
"Tina this is Drew, Drew this is Tina" He introduced us. I sent Tina another smile, yet the frown did not disappear... tough crowd.

"You can't just invite people over" she groaned annoyed before walking into the room. Newt and I followed her, I made sure to close the door behind me. I did not want to get more on her bad side, she already did not seem to like me.

"I promised her she could stay wherever I'm staying and considering you kind of forced us to stay here, she's staying too"Newt explained innocently.

"Us?" I frowned, who was us? Then a smaller looking man showed up in front of me. In contrast to Tina he had a big grin on his face, he seemed very ecstatic to be here.

"Hi, i'm Jacob!" He held out is hand. I mirrored his grin and shook his hand politely. I sensed something about him though. It wasn't obvious at first but the way he carried himself was off compared to people I usually was around with.

"Is he a muggle?" I questioned, curiously.

"No-Maj, yes." Tina said rudely, I gave her a surprised look. Why was she correcting me on such a stupid thing. Muggles were the words for humans without magic in England, No-Maj for America.

"i'm Queenie!" A nice looking woman said with a high pitched voice from the kitchen. She was dressed completely in pink. I immediately felt at ease with her. Her entire aura felt inviting!

"Nice to meet you Queenie" I nodded. Newt looked between her and me.

"No Drew you are not doing this" He scolded, I gave him a weird look.

"Do what?"

"We're here for business, not to mingle with the locals" He told me patting his suitcase that he was always holding near. I knew what he meant. We only mean business nothing more. Mingling with locals had brought us troubles before. Especially with my history, we couldn't just trust anyone. Still, Newt was my best friend and even though he was just looking out for us... he definitely could exaggerate sometimes.

"I just said hi" I jokingly sent Newt a wink, he rolled his eyes in response. I sat down at one of the chairs around a small table.

"Please tell me she's not like Queenie" Tina asked Newt. What was her deal? She seemed to be anxious about nearly everything... for no reason. We had never met before but she already seemed to dislike me and was not afraid to voice it.

"A little yeah" Newt responded which made me smirk. Whatever 'being like Queenie' had meant it annoyed Tina as she visibly groaned before she went into the kitchen. She pulled out her wand and whispered a spell. Plates flew out of cupboards and all placed themselves on the table I was sitting behind. Thank god for magic otherwise we would've had to make the table ourselves.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now