13. No Return

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Lucky number 13 and the last chapter of book 1!  Get ready for this. 

I was walking through the hallways of a train. I didn't know how my brother managed to get an entire train just for his followers but as it was a muggle train I assumed he probably manipulated some muggles with magic.
The train was our way out of France and I had no clue where we were going.

I knew a lot of Aurors were probably searching for us right now. For a second, I thought about what Tina must be doing, was she with Newt? Or searching too? She must be absolutely heartbroken after what happened...
I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as I found the cabin I was looking for.
I looked through the glass window of the door and saw Queenie sitting behind it staring out the window with sad eyes. Guess Tina was not the only heartbroken one. 

I silently knocked before I entered the cabin.

"Drew?" Queenie asked confused as she saw me. I sent her a sad smile as I sat down in the seat in front of her.

"Hey," I said, Queenie looked at me in disbelief.

"What are you doing? Tina needs you right now!" Queenie quickly objected. I nodded, "yeah she needs you too"

We were both silent thinking about the girl we left behind to join my brother.

"We're terrible people" I breathed after a while. Queenie looked at me frowning, "No we're not. We are fighting for change. This is the side we need to be on" Queenie seemed so sure of herself. 

I just nodded quietly, I probably shouldn't tell her I only joined my brother because of a blood pact I made with him.

"I promised Tina I'd protect you here" I informed Queenie, she stared at me thinking about something.

"Is that why you joined Grindelwald?" She asked suspiciously. I shook my head no, "He's my brother, that's why I joined", a lie. 

"How about" Queenie started, I watched her carefully, "we protect each other here?"
Her saying that made me realize she's just as unsure about this entire situation as I was, she knew no one here, only me. Which is why she needed me.

"Sounds good" I held out my hands to her. She sent me a smile, "we'll look out for each other" she shook my hand.


The first few weeks with my brother were incredibly boring. We lived in a huge mansion with about 20 people in the mountains. I thought we were in Austria, though I didn't know for sure. Nobody had told us anything about our exact locations. My brother was barely here, he always seemed to be out doing something. He did make sure to show his face often enough for the people to not lose faith in him.

I mainly hung out with Queenie, we did chores around the house which really wasn't what I signed up for.
I regretted making the blood pact with my brother now more than ever. I could be with Tina exploring the world but instead, I had chosen the wrong side and was doing lame chores. 

I was sitting in my room when my brother randomly barged in throwing the doors open.

"Drew!" He called out looking extremely serious. I rolled my eyes at him, of course, he'd like to make an entrance.

"Yeah?" I asked not amused as I watched him.

"Time to prove your loyalty" Gellert smirked as he clasped his hands together.

"Didn't I prove my loyalty when I literally walked through fire for you?" I frowned referencing back when we had to choose sides.

"I need to know you're not doing this for the blood pact but that you're doing it because you're actually on my side" Gellert stated. I could've seen this coming, of course, my brother would want me to prove myself.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now