3. Patience is Key

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I walked into an alley making sure no muggles were around when I pulled out my wand. I whispered a tracing spell. Directing it at a feather it'd in my pocket, the item quickly got enchanted. The feather started to move in the air. At first very slowly but then suddenly it flew away quickly.  I started the chase, I had to keep it in sight.

After 20 minutes of running, it stopped in front of a huge old building. The feather dropped to the ground.

Out of breath I picked up the item and pocketed it. Dougal must be nearby. the building was a department store, the windows are full of glamorously dressed mannequins.

I walk insided, the aisles are filled with expensive jewelry, shoed, hats and perfumes. There were many people around doing their shopping. There's no way the demiguise would present itself around such a busy store. My eyes fell on a door to the side of the building.

I casually walked towards it making sure nobody saw me. I attempted to open the door but unfortunately it was locked. I looked around before getting my wand and opening the door with a spell.

I slipped in inside and when closing the door behind me I made sure it was locked. There were stairs leading up a huge dark attic-space, filled with shelves packed with boxes of China: dinner services, teacups, and general kitchenware. I curiously walked around, looking at all the antiques.

At first, there seemingly was nobody but once I casted the Lumos spell, the whole room lit up. The light revealed an Occamy filling a large part of the room.

"So you escaped too," I told the creature who was staring at me. Thankfully she knew who I was so she wasn't scared. Suddenly I felt someone jump against me. I Warm fluffy arms hugged me.

"Dougal!" I cheered, hugging the creature back as it became visible.

"I was so worried something had happened," I told the animal. Dougal just grinned at me. I held him tight as I walked towards the Occamy.

"We need to make you smaller before we can get you out" I explained to the huge animal. It just stared at me blankly. Right now the Occamy was filling up most of the room, it had to shrink itself. Unfortunately, there was no way I could get it to be smaller without making a lot of noise.

I had to wait until nightfall. I sat down against the Occamy who didn't mind it. Dougal was laying in my lap very happy about me being there.

"I bet you took care of the Occamy while Newt and I weren't there uh?" I praised the Demiguise who just kept hugging me. Within a few hours, it became dark outside. I was listening to all the muggles closing off the building for the day. When all the lights turned off I could finally safely assume they'd all left. To make sure  I opened the door with a spell and peeked around the corner to check if someone had stayed behind. the room was pitch black. Everyone was gone. I returned to the Occamy who was still huge.

"Hey, Dougal where are you?" I called out. The animal had disappeared but the problem with a demiguise is, they could be standing next to you and just be invisible. Of course when I needed him, the demiguise was gone. I searched around the shelves in the basement, where could Dougal have gone? I had only lost my eye on him for one second. Suddenly, I heard voices entering the basement. I froze. Muggles should not see me nor the Occamy. How could I possibly a huge Occamy?! My heart was racing.

"Its sight operates on probability, so it can foresee the most likely immediate future" a familiar voice explained. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It was just Newt. My eyes fell onto Dougal who suddenly strolled past.

"So what's it doing?" Tina's voice asked. I started to walk towards Dougal.

"It's babysitting" Newt said.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now