10. Very Strange

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"Hello Drew, Newt" Leta Lestrange said not even surprised.

"Hey, Leta" I awkwardly answered as we had been caught.

"Hello, Leta," Newt said as well,

"Hi" Tina even awkwardly joined in. She didn't sound angry, she sounded kind.Behind her the woman behind the desk from before walked in, she was surrounded by some angry looking catlike creatures.

"Oh no," Newt breathed next to me making me worry.

"What kind of cats are those?" Leta asked getting afraid, she slowly started backing away to us.

"These aren't cats, they're Matagots. They're spirit familiars. They guard the Ministry - but they won't hurt you unless you-"I saw Leta raise her wand,

"DON'T" I called out just before she fired a spell at one of the cats. The spell failed and the Maragots even multiplied becoming even more aggressive.

"UNLESS YOU ATTACK THEM" Newt yelled now at her.

"Come on" I held out my hand towards her, she quickly grabbed it and joined us on the shelf stack. I let go off her hand as quickly as I could.

"Reverte" Leta called out, the towering stack on which we sat flew backward, the other shelves around us started spinning and moving around as well.Once we were fairly safe we jumped off the shelf and started running getting chased by the Maragots.

"I have a plan, everyone get into the case!" Newt yelled throwing his case in front of him open wide. We jumped in it, entering Newt's world inside the chest.
Newt closed the case behind us and ran over to the area where the Zouwu was located.

"What are you going to do?" I questioned as he started to climb onto the creature.

"I'll just scare them off. Don't come outside until I tell you to" He grinned definitely loving the chaos. He flew with the Zouwu through the mini zoo and exited the suitcase again going head first into the Maragots. I was worried about him.

Leta and Tina were both gathering new breaths.

"What are you doing in Paris, Leta?" I finally got to ask the woman. She looked up surprised at that question.

"I work for the Ministry, didn't Newt tell you?" She informed me, I frowned confused. I never saw her as a person who would work for the ministry.

"Newt never told me anything"I sat onto a nearby chair resting my body a little too. I still had to go and join my brother somehow.

"Wait-" Leta seemed to realize something, I looked up to her curiously.

"What are you doing in Paris?" She sent me a serious look as if she knew I was here for my brother.

"Oh you know, I heard Tina might need some help finding Credence so I came over" I shrugged knowing that was a lie. I came over because my brother asked me to, and while I was here I wanted to make sure Tina was safe.

"Wait you came here for me?" Tina was now the one confused, she seemed a bit taken back by it.
I just nodded, I looked at her sending her a cheeky smile which made her smile too. Now she wasn't as civil as earlier, she was definitely warming up to me again.

"Oh sorry I haven't introduced myself" Leta realized, she held out her hand to Tina.

"I'm Leta Lestrange, you must be Tina Goldstein i've heard so much about you!"

Tina sent her a friendly smile and shook her hand,
"I hope you've heard good things about me?" The woman wondered.

"Of course! You cured Drew you know" Leta grinned.

"Wait what? Cured me?" I joined in confused. I wasn't ill? Leta just sent me a cheeky grin,

"Yeah, I haven't seen a real smile from you in years but that time you were reading the letter from Tina I saw you smiling"
Tina seemed to perk up at hearing that, she hadn't known about it.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah well you gave me many reasons not to smile around you"I turned my back to her and walked to the ladders wondering how Newt was doing.

"fair point" Leta admitted in defeat. I looked up and at that exact moment the case flew open, Newt looked down at me.

"Come up, it's safe. Oh and take the catbird toy with you" My friend informed me. I nodded, I grabbed the toy that was laying on a desk,

"Guys we can come up" I called to the women who immediately joined me. We all climbed out the case, I looked around and noticed we were at the graveyard Père Laichase, My brother had called all his followers here.My eyes fell onto Newt. The Zouwu was nudging him with affection.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Newt obviously enjoyed it, he loved the animal.I shook the cat bird, immediately the Zouwu's eyes lit up.With a smile I dropped the toy in the case, the Zouwu immediately dived after it.
Newt closed his case with a satisfied grin.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now