6. The Time Inbetween

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I was sitting at the kitchen table hastily opening a letter I had just gotten. Over the last couple of weeks Tina and I had been sending each other letters. Every time I got one my heart leapt, I didn't want to admit it but everyone could see I was in love.I unfolded the letter excited to read what Tina had to say. Suddenly the bell rang.I looked up disturbed,

"Newt! Someone is at the door" I called out. No answer. I groaned as I realized Newt was probably in the basement with his animals. I stood up and left the letter behind on the table as I walked to the front door.With a sigh I opened the door, I took a look at the two people smiling in front of me.

"Nope" I just said closing the door again. I turned around immediately and walked back into the living room.

"Who was it" Newt asked showing up from the basement. I just shrugged vaguely as I sat myself down at the kitchen table again, grabbing the letter. Newt hurriedly walked over towards the front door. I heard him open it. He was just as surprised as me but unfortunately he did let them into the house.

"Great way to say hi to your friends, Drew" Theseus said as he barged into the room followed by Leta and Newt. Leta lightly punched him in the arm, "Don't start" she hissed silently but I had heard it.I looked up from the letter at the two, Leta was still as beautiful as ever. I hated how she was hanging onto Theseus' arm. It disgusted me.

"What are you two doing here" I just said, Newt quickly walked towards me,

"That's no way to greet our guests" He awkwardly told me. I just rolled my eyes. The moment Newt left to go to the kitchen to make some tea everything instantly became 10 times more awkward. I looked back at the letter but didn't have the concentration to read it.

"We heard Newt and you were in New York when Grindelwald, I mean, your brother attacked," Leta said trying to start a conversation. She tried so hard.I looked up at her irritated.

"Yup" I looked back at the letter again hoping they'd leave me alone. Both wizards sat down onto the couch.

"How was he?" Leta dared to ask. I just shrugged, "Still the evil criminal everyone thinks he is"

"Yeah, what do you think then?" Theseus shot at me sarcastically. I looked at the guy, I really did not like him.

"He's just a human dreaming of a better world and making the wrong decisions"Before Theseus could say anything Newt came walking back into the room carrying the teapot and some cups.

"What are you talking about" He wondered sensing the tension.

"Nothing" I waved it off looking back at the letter trying to read it for the 4th time today.

"Don't mind her, she's just bitter that her girlfriend isn't here" Newt smiled. I froze immediately. Newt knew that wasn't why I was bitter but it was his way of trying to explain my bitterness to the guests... even though both Leta and Theseus knew that wasn't why I was bitter. Not with our past.

"Girlfriend?" I heard Leta say in surprise. I wished she sounded jealous but of course she wasn't. She didn't care about me, not really.

"I don't have a girlfriend" I grunted not looking at them.

"Yet" Newt finished smiling.
"She met a woman while in New York, her name is Tina Goldstein you might've heard of her. She recently got appointed as Auror"

"An Auror" Leta said in surprised, I just rolled my eyes.

"I didn't think she liked Aurors" I heard Theseus, who is an Auror say. And he was right, I definitely did not like him...

but I did like Tina, a lot. I was having enough of this conversation, I stood up and was about to leave the room when Leta called out.

"Drew?"I sighed and turned around towards her.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now