8. The Cause

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a few months later...

I looked around making sure Bunty was in the basement. Everything was safe, nobody was around. I'm glad I got the letter on the day Newt went out to try and get is travel documentation in order.
I hastily opened the letter that I had been expecting from quite some while.


Was all it said, I gulped... I had to go to Paris. I didn't know how I'd tell Newt that I had to go to Paris without him knowing I would be meeting with my brother.
I quickly folded the letter and walked into the basement. Bunty was trying to apply ointment to Kelpie.
I walked past her towards Newt's desk. I opened my drawer and for a second I stared at all Tina's letters I had collected. I hadn't heard from her in months.
I sighed before hiding Gellert's letter between Tina's letters.

"Ouch" Bunty's voice called out in pain. I turned around immediately and saw that Kelpie had bit Bunty. Her hand was bleeding.

"Bad kelpie!" I told the animal as I ran over to Bunty.

"It's nothing really," Bunty said her face in a pained expression. I helped her get up, together we walked to Newt's chair.

"Wait here," I told the woman who nodded staring at the blood. I quickly ran to the other side of the room where I knew bandages were. I grabbed a view while also grabbing a cloth and a bucket of water. I returned to the woman. I dipped the cloth in the water and cleaned her wound and applied pressure on it.

"You're lucky you didn't lose a finger," I said knowing Kelpie was capable of doing way more damage. I apply the bandage to her wounded fingers.

"Next time I'll help you with Kelpie alright?" I promised the woman, I didn't want her to get hurt. She nodded gratefully,

"Thank you Drew"Suddenly from upstairs a voice called out,

"Bunty! Bunty! Bunty, the baby Nifflers are loose again!"Bunty jumped up and immediately ran over to the stairs to help Newt with the Nifflers. I grinned at her reaction, she was so hopelessly in love with Newt, such a shame Newt cared about his animals more. I heard the two talk as both wizards came into view.

"Hmm, I've fed nearly everyone, Pinky's had his nose drops and-"

"- and Elsie?" Newt finished her impatiently.

"Elsie's droppings are nearly normal again"

"Wonderful you can clock off now" I saw Newt's eyes fall onto Bunty's freshly bandaged fingers.

"I told you to leave the Kelpie to me"

"I'll be fine, Drew helped me get bandaged up and Kelpie's wound needs more ointment" Bunty tried convincing him.

"I don't want you losing fingers over it!" Newt disagreed. I watched my friend march over to Kelpie's area.

"How did it go at the ministry?" I asked him curiously.

"Terrible!" Newt breathed, he turned to Bunty.

"Seriously, you go home now, Bunty. You must be exhausted"Bunty's desperate eyes found mine,

"The Kelpie is better with three, Newt. Better safe than sorry" I tried. Bunty gave me a thankful look. We all approached the water. Newt unhooked a bridle hanging beside the pond.

"Perhaps you should take off your shirt?" Bunty suggested hopeful. I snickered at that but neither of them heard it.

"Don't worry, I'll dry off quick enough" Newt told the woman oblivious. He sent us a smile before he jumped backwards into the water. We both knew he'd now calm the animal.... if the Kelpie didn't drown him first.With a whoosh Newt burst back out the water as the Kelpie was bridled. Now docile, it shook its mane.

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now