9. Talking is Difficult

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"My apologies, Mr Scamander and whoever the others are" The man called out with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, rude.

He continued, "I shall return and release you when Credence is dead!"

"Kama, wait!" Tina pleaded running towards the door.

"You see, either he dies... or I do"He suddenly clasped a hand to his eye.

"No,no,no,no, oh no" the man growled, he started jerking convulsively and slid to the floor, unconscious.

"What just happened?" I frowned a bit confused at what the man just did.

"Not sure" Newt lamely scratched his head thinking.

"Definitely not the best start of a rescue attempt" I shrugged looking at the woman I hadn't seen in months.

Tina threw her head back at me, "This was a rescue attempt? You've just lost me my only lead!"I flinched,

"well, how was the interrogation going before we turned up?"Tina just sent me a dark look and strode back to the back of the cave. This reunion definitely wasn't going well.

"Newt!" Jacob suddenly called out, I walked over and noticed that Pickett had picked the lock.

"Well done Pick!" Newt praised the animal. I opened the door and walked over to the man laying on the ground. I bended down and checked his pulse making sure he was still alive. The others joined me.

"You need this man?" I asked looking up at Tina. She nodded,

"Yes. I think this man knows where Credence is, Mrs. Grindelwald"I froze at the mention of my last name, nobody had ever called me Mrs. Grindelwald.
The tension was rising and I knew even Jacob and Newt felt it.Before anyone could say anything else an earth-shattering roar from somewhere above them appeared.
What on earth could be making that sound?

"Well, that'll be the Zouwu" Newt confirmed, he grabbed his wand and Disapparated.

"Alright, Jacob can you help me with Kama please?" I asked the muggle. He nodded and together we pull of the body. I got out my wand.
I give Tina a look and thankfully she understands. She grabs Jacob's sleeve and we all dissaparated.a moment later we apprate in a street. I noticed Newt standing in the middle of the bridge.
A large cat-like animal is stood in front of him, that's probably the Zouwu.

"Newt, get out if there!" Jacob called out. instead, Newt stooped down slowly and opened his case. The Zouwu snarled, crouched and began to advance on Newt.

I raised my wand towards my friend if the animal came too close to hurting Newt I could teleport him away.
Suddenly Newt pulled something out of his case, a fluffy toy bird on a stick and rope. I rolled my eyes, of course, he'd have that.The Zouwu's tail twitched and crouched very low. Then with a sudden bound it soared through the air towards Newt.

Just as I was about to teleport Newt away he dropped the bird in the case, the Zouwu sailed after it in a flash of rainbow color.With a huge slam, Newt shut the case.
The whole ordeal started to gain unwanted attention as a crowd was slowly forming. Jacob and I carried Kama as we hurried over to Newt, Tina followed us.

"I know a place where we can keep him," Newt told the group referencing to Kama.
A few seconds later we had disapparated once more.
We arrived at an old house. Nobody was home but Newt assured us we were free to stay here. Newt immediately disappeared into his case probably making sure the Zouwu was okay. Jacob and I laid Kama down on a couch. The house was filled with many potions, trinkets and there even if a glass ball.

Jacob immediately went to find food. I watched as Tina got a bottle of smelling salts out of her pocket, she started to try and wake him up. I wondered if I should say something but I decided against it.
I explored the old room. I assumed an alchemist lived here.Suddenly my eyes fell onto a red glowing stone, my mouth fell open.

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