2. A Day At MACUSA

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The next day I was up early. To my surprise everyone except for Queenie was gone. Even Newt. Apparently they had all gone beast hunting in the middle of the night. I don't know why they'd decided the middle of the night was a good moment to search the creatures but it made me feel a bit left out. Nobody woke me up to ask me if it'd wanted to come along.

Regardless, at least I was well rested now. It wasn't long before I was sitting into a giant hall with a bunch of other wizards. This was a meeting with many politicians. I felt very out of place, I was no politician at all. The reason why I was even invited her was because I had valuable knowledge about my brother. Thankfully, Madame President was mostly doing the talking.
She spoke with urgency making sure we all understood how important it was that we would find my brother soon.

There also seemed to be the topic of an Obscurus - a parasite that develops inside magically gifted children if they suppress their magical abilities - this surprised me.

I thought those were long gone. They had been myths parents told their kids to make sure they perform in school.

Something else that peeked my interest is that something recently had killed Senator Henry Shaw, the Jr. Director of Magical Security. It had been a surprising murder but was it something orchestrated by my brother? Though murder did sound like him, this might be different. I was deep in thoughts when a loud bang got my attention.

To my surprise, I watched as Tina Goldstein walked into the hall carrying Newt's suitcase.
With a confident face she put it on the ground.

"Madam President, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but this is critical." Tina's eyes found mine and for a second we locked eyes before she quickly looked away. What was she up to?

"You'd better have an excellent excuse for this intrusion, Miss Goldstein" Everyone could hear that Madam President sounded annoyed at the girl. I watched in anticipation. Whatever Tina had to say must be important, you can't just come into a meeting like this.

"Yes, I do." Tina quickly nodded before continuing "Ma'am. Yesterday a wizard entered New York with a case. This case full of magical creatures, and unfortunately, some have escaped."

I rolled my eyes annoyed. She actually was doing this? I thought she had been joking. She can't just give Newt up like that.

"He arrived yesterday?" Madam President asked for confirmation. Tina just nodded she looked a bit uncomfortable.

"You have known for twenty-four hours that an unregistered wizard set magical beasts loose in New York and you see fit to tell us only when a man has been killed?" The tension was rising now. I thought Tina would have a come back ready but to my surprise her eyes filled with water.

"Who has been killed?" You could hear the shock in her voice. Her confident façade had vanished and instead she looked genuinely upset about it. Like she really needed a hug. I hadn't expected her to be so empathetic.

"Where is this man?" Madame President asked ignoring Tina completely. Tine opened the suitcase that was now placed on the ground. Once it was open she took a few steps back. We all watched as the suitcase slowly opened and Newt's head stuck out. He looked around confused before getting out of the case completely.

"Scamander?" A random man next to me said. How did he know Newt?

"-Theseus Scamander? The war hero?"Ah they thought he was Theseus... of course.

"No, this is his little brother." Another voice confirmed. I shared a worried look with Newt who looked very observant.

"What are you doing in New York?" Madam President asked. Newt shrugged awkwardly

Book I - The Drew Grindelwald SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now