5. Aftermath

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Grindelwald managed to reflect all the spells coming at him and started firing back.
Several Aurors were sent flying. Unfortunately, my brother seemed to be winning. Eventhough he was only one man, he was a skilled one. Then in a split second Newt pulled the cocoon from his pocket and released it at Graves. The Swooping Evil roared around him shielding us all from the guy.

This gave time for Newt to raise his wand, with a sense that he'd been holding this one back, he slashed through the air: out flew a crackling rope of supernatural light that wrapped itself around Graves.
I wanted to do something but I stood frozen, unsure what do you. I watched with wide eyes as my brother tried to hold it off as it tightened but staggered, struggled and fell to his knees. I felt my heartbeat escalate and I hated that I still cared about him. He dropped his wand.

"Accio" I suddenly heard behind me. His wand flew into Tina's hand who was standing beside me. The tears had dried. She walked forwards as she and Newt slowly neared the man. I didn't join them.

Newt raised his hand, "revelio" I felt my heart beat go louder, now everyone would know who he really was. Before everyone's eyes Graves transformed.
He no longer had dark hair but blond, he was blue-eyed now as well. Everyone gasped as they recognized Grindelwald.
Madam Picquery moved towards him.

"Do you think you can hold me" Grindelwald growled in contempt.

"We'll do our best, Mr Grindelwald" Two Aurors forced him to his feet and moved him towards the entrance.
Once they reached me, my brother leaped towards me alarming the others. Just before he was pushed back he whispered

"Until death" I stared at him with wide eyes as he was led out the subway. Both Newt and Tina sent me a worried look.
Before either of them could say something Madam Picquery walked up towards me, "Drew! Did you know he was your brother?"

"No, i'm sorry. I should've recognized him" I lied to the woman. She gave me a suspicious look over before she walked away.

"Are you okay?" Tina asked me concerned. I put on a fake smile,

"of course!" Tina seemed to believe it but Newt knew something was up. Thankfully he knew not to ask about it, at least not now. The crowd of Aurors seemed to be filling up inside the subway.
Queenie and Jacob pushed themselves through to the front of the Aurors. I was glad that Jacob was carrying Newt's case.
The creatures were safe.
Queenie hugged Tina, both sisters glad the other was okay.

"Hey... I figure somebody oughta keep an eye on this thing" Jacob said handing Newt his suitcase.

"Thank you" Newt answered gratefully. All of a sudden, Madam Picquery returned, I was afraid she would think i'm on my brother's side but instead she addressed Newt.

"We owe you an apology, Mr Scamander. But the magical community is exposed! We cannot Obliviate an entire city"we took this all in, this event had exposed the Wizarding community to the No-Majs.

"Actually, I think we can" Newt smirked, I looked at him surprised. Without saying anything Newt walked towards the middle of the subway near the gaping hole in the ceiling.
We all watched confused as Newt planted his case onto the group. He quickly opened it and within seconds the magical Thunderbird flew out of it. My mouth fell open, of course Frank could help. Everyone backed away to give the creature some room. Newt moved forward examining Frank. There's a look of tenderness and pride on his face.

"I was intending to wait until Arizona, but it seems like now you are our only hope, Frank" Newt told the animal. He reached out his arm as Frank pressed his beak lovingly into the embrace. We all watched in awe as they nuzzled each other affectionately.

"I'll miss you, too" Newt promised him before taking the flask filled with Swooping Evil venom out his pocket.

"You know what you've got to do" Newt threw the vial high up into the air. Frank let out a sharp cry catching it in his beak and immediately soaring out of the subway. No-Majs and Aurors alike shrieked as Frank burst forth from the subway, gliding into the dawn-lit sky.
A few seconds later it began to rain, we were all save but outside all the No-Majs forgot about their experiences with magic like it had never happened.
Aurors started repairing the subway and all the damage outside.

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