7. Not Everything Is As It Seems

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Newt and I were sitting close to the food table. The wedding venue was beautifully decorated and was filled with people. Newt and I kept out over everyone's way and were located in the corner, we both didn't want to interact with people. The only time we had to do something was after the vows had been said. Leta and Theseus were married.

Both Newt and I had to give a speech, mine was a basic wedding speech which was short and straight to the point. Nevertheless, Leta seemed to appreciate it.In Newt's speech, he talked about childhood memories with his brother and the time with Leta at Hogwarts. After a picture was taken of the four of us Newt and I quickly went out the spotlight.

"I'm so glad the Nifflers aren't here," Newt told me looking around the room. There was silver cutlery everywhere and the Nifflers would have the best time stealing it all.

"We should've taken them, it would've made for a good story," I told my best friend as I took another bite of this surprisingly good pie I was eating.

"Yes it would have" Newt agreed.

"What are you two talking about?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw that Leta had joined us. She sat herself down on an empty chair at our table.

"Nifflers" Newt told his friend, I nodded.

"How are they?" Leta wondered curiously.

"Oh, still as mischievous as ever" Newt grinned, he loved the Nifflers.

"Shouldn't you be with your husband?" I asked Leta. She just gave me a funny look, "He's talking with his friends so I thought I'll talk with mine"

"You invited a lot of people," I noticed. The room really was filled with many people. Back when Leta and I were supposed to get married we wanted a small private wedding as neither of us had many friends and family.

"Theseus has lots of friends and family" Leta explained, that made sense.

"Family I've been trying to avoid for a year" Newt grumbled, we all knew he'd rather spend time with his animals than with humans.

"How long do you want to bet until someone tries to start a conversation with you" I dared Newt.

"Within 10 minutes time and I bet 20 pounds" Leta jumped in surprising me.

"Alright, I say 15 minutes for 20" I agreed. Leta and I shared a mischievous smile. Immediately afterward I realized I had smiled at Leta, for the first time in years. It made me feel really guilty for some reason.

"With a bit of luck no family member talks to me today," Newt said. As on queue Theseus walked over, probably seeing his wife with me and becoming jealous.

"I'm glad both of you could attend" He smiled, I rolled my eyes. I bet he secretly hoped I didn't come.

"You owe me 20 pounds, Grindelwald" Leta grinned. Theseus looked at Leta and I suspicious.

"Fine" I groaned, I got my wallet out of my pocket and paid what I owed Leta.

"We bet on how long it would take for a family member to talk to Newt" Leta explained to her husband. I just nodded.

"That reminds me, Newt, dad wants to talk to you," Theseus told his brother.

"Alright, time to get lectured about my life choices" Newt stood up and walked off into the crowd on his way to find his father.Theseus turned to his wife, "We should say hi to Henry" He held out his hand towards Leta. She sent me an apologetic look before she grabbed his hand and walked away with him leaving me alone at the table. I sighed, I wished Tina was here.For a second my eyes fell onto the alcoholic beverages, the urge to drink a glass was strong. Thankfully I managed to push the feeling down, not today Drew, not today.

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