4. Watch Out, Danger Ahead

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The others join me on the rooftop as it gave us a clear view of the chaos that's going on below.

"Jeez... is that the obscurial thing?" Jacob asked a bit afraid. Sirens were going off warning people of the danger. The scale of destruction was massive. There's no way we could hide this from muggles.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of" Newt said in complete disbelief. There's a loud explosion in the distance. I quickly made a choice.

"Okay guys, if I don't return. Make sure to end my brother for me" I seriously said turning towards the others.

"W-what?" Tina asked in disbelief.

"You heard me!" I called out just before I got my wand and Disapparated.
I appeared in Times square. I had always wanted to visit it but not like this.
The scene is a total chaos. Buildings are on fire, people were screaming and running in all directions, cars lied destroyed in the road.

My eyes fell onto my brother who's still disguised as Percival Graves. He walked around oblivious to the distress around him, he seemed to be focused on something else. Of course he was involved.
The Obscurus writhed at one end of the Square, its energy angrier now- moving through layers of hurt and anguish, the products of isolation and torment. Flecks of red light roaring from within.
I could just make out a boys face within it.
My brother stood before it, triumphant.

"To survive so long, with this inside you Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle" My brother screamed over the loud noise. My eyes fell onto Newt who had apparated nearby. We shared a worried look.

"Come with me - think of what we could achieve together" The obscurus moved closer to my brother. A dark energy bursted out knocking my brother to the ground. The force sent a shockwave round the Square. Newt and I quickly dove behind a fallen car for cover. Suddenly Tina apparated, she immediately took cover behind anither burning vehicle. My worry for my friends' safety has suddenly grown big time. Our eyes met,

"Drew, Newt!" She called out.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the obscurial!" Newt called out towards Tina and I. I frowned, I had no clue what he was talking about.

"He's not a child" I told Newt, Obscurials aren't meant to be older than 10.

"I know - but I saw him - his power must be strong - he's somehow managed to survive." Newt explained, I just nodded. I peaked towards my brother who still hadn't noticed us. The obscurus screamed out once more.

"You guys need to save him!" Tina called out getting out of her hiding place. I felt my heart beat in my throat, she isn't confronting my brother right?

"Right" Newt nodded, he gave me a look before he disapparated disappearing probably going to a place where he can save the boy.

Should I follow Newt? I probably should but I really did not want to leave Tina alone with my brother.
I quickly got out behind the car. The obscurus was still screaming loud. It hurt my ears.
I watched as Tina ran into view behind Gellert's disguise, Percival Graves. She fired at him but he turned just in time, his reaction was astounding. Instantly, the Obscurus vanished.
I could tell that my brother was becoming thoroughly irritated, he turned around towards Tina managing to perfectly deflect all her spells.

"Tina. You're always turning up where you are least wanted" He called out. He started summoning an abandoned car, it looked like he was about to throw it at Tina. I started to run, I did not want Tina to get squashed by a car.
He threw the car and I just managed to push Tina out of the way as it smashed into the ground.
We quickly gathered ourselves and watched in surprise as my brother disapparated.

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