Teach Me

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Jungkook's POV

"I have no idea what's wrong..." I replied laying down next to Jimin. "I don't know I feel like something life changing just happened..." I look up at the ceiling and sigh. "Well...I had a surprise, but now I don't think it's the right time to tell you.." Jimin snuggled me and I hugged him back, letting his smaller figure get engulfed by me. "Nah, just forget about what I said...So what is the surprise? Are you pregnant? AM I A DAD?" I joked making Jimin laugh creating crescent eyes. 

"Noo! Ju-ngkook!" Jimin laughed loudly making me soft. "What is it? What's the surprise?!" I said curiously. "I'm dating Taemin...Yes I know, this is to quick, but he said he would make me happy..." Jimin nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, but I snapped and stood up. "WHAT!?JIMIN! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"  I spat at the little mochi on the bed causing him to flinch. "JIMIN! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY!" I yelled pacing back and forth in the room. "Jun-gkook...Why...Why are you actin-g like this?" Jimin said teary and shakey. "BECAUSE JIMIN! I'M PROTECTING YOU! I LOVE YOU!-.....TOO MUCH TO SEE SOMEONE HURT MY BROTHER!" I shouted at the now tiny little ball in front of me. I bent down and stared into his eyes. 

"Jimi-n...Am I not enough? Do I not make you happy?-" I was stopped by a huge hug causing me to fall. I notice that Jimin is on top of me crying. "J-Jungko-ook, You make me the happiest...but you have all the fun with other peop-le...Why can't I have f-un with others....","Jimin, I have fun by having sex and flirting with others.." I wiped his tears off of his face, him still being on top of me. "Exactly! Why ca-n't I?" I looked into his watery eyes and was shocked. "Jimin...You want 'fun' with people?" Jimin nodded and caught me off guard. "Why what's wrong? You do it all the time?" Jimin lifted his body now siting instead of laying on top of me. 

"Well you see Jimin....You aren't the type...to ya know...get it on..." He looked at me shocked and bounced on me upset. "I can TOO! Teach me! C'mon! Please? Please for your baby brother!!!" Jimin tried to do aeygo  which made me laugh. "Alright...I won't touch you tho -", "EW JUNGKOOK! DOn't lAy a hANd 0N thIs hUAT b0d!" Jimin got off of me and sat on the bed in defense. "Okay...So this is how you seduce people..." I started to instruct Jimin on how to touch and kiss. "Jungkook! How do you do this all the time? It's to hard!" Jimin complained about flirting with a pillow. "Well you gotta practice on something..." I said giggling at the scene in front of me. "Jungkook! Why can't I practice flirting with you!? I look stupid flirting with something that can't even talk!" Jimin pouted which made me chuckle.

"Okok...Practice on me...BUT Remember everything I taught you!" I sat next to Jimin facing towards him. "Okay...1...2...3...ACTION" Jimin yelled almost bursting my ear. I sat still waiting for Jimin to make the first move. He pushed back his hair, that is one of the steps which involves showing something really attractive which for me is my jaw line and thighs. "Hey baby mama..."Jimin joked at first and started to laugh hard. "I'm sorry it's just to funny trying to flirt with a little bunny like you.."  Jimin ruffled my hair and went back into actor mode. "Hey...Did you know that my voice doesn't just make nice sounds, but this dick can too..." Jimin threw a very dangerous pick up line. I look to him in a 'hard to get way', "Excuse me? who the fuck are you?" I ask sassy which made him look shook ° I bet he didn't realize that sometimes it's not easy picking up girls° "Hmm? Sub or Dom?" Jimin asked which made me choke. ° I didn't know he knew about this shit°

"What do you think?" I rolled my eyes trying to stay in character. "Hmm you seem Dom...Why don't I try a different way..." Jimin then stood up and left the room. The next thing I knew was a collar bone exposed boy came in. "Hi there pretty boy..." Jimin caressed my shoulder making me tense. °Okay...whenever Jimin dresses like this I always get tense, but he doesn't say crap like this!!° "What?" I say rudely making Jimin sit next to me. "Do you know that a person like you should get a treat once and a while?...Why not try this goodie right here..." Jimin points to his ass and I look at him weirdly admiring this side of Jimin that I've never seen. 

°I have to admit I've always admired Jimin for being the bubbly, bright, brave, and beautiful person alive...I wanted to protect that so I never involved him in my 'dark' side, but I'll only allow anything if Jimin asks me...which is probably why I'm in this situation-° "-NGKOOK!" My thoughts were cut off by Jimin yelling at me. "How did I do?!" Jimin jumped excitedly. "Um...HORRIBLE!" I lied to keep him safe and away from that weapon he has. "NEVER DO THIS!! IT WILL RUIN YOUR REPUTATION!" I laid down aggressively making Jimin crawl next to me. "Really Kook? Am I that bad?" Jimin went under the covers and hugged me. "Yes! Jimin...Not everyone is good at something, maybe smarts and dance are for you, and getting into trouble is my thing..." I ruffle his hair pulling him into my arms. 

"Okay I won't do your thing....BUT THAT WAS A BIG ASS WASTE OF TIME!" Jimin complained, I chuckled at his tininess. "Jimin...Don't use those tricks on Taemin..." I said quietly "Why? Was I that bad that I would embarrass myself to my own brand new, fresh boyfriend!?" Jimin looked up at my face and stared. "Jimin...trust me..." I hugged him as I fell asleep like I usually do.


I was thinking of making Taemin a bad guy...so please no hate!!

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