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Jimin's POV

I am walking out of the school and spot Jungkook waiting at the gate. "Kookie?" I ask and he turns around and smiles. "Jimin! Uh where is Kai?" He asks and I stop in my spot thinking about Kai and Nayeon, but I then look at Jungkook and wonder who he's lover is...Is it another girl he isn't telling me about? Does he really not trust me? Does it mean their is no chance for me?

I stare at him and he looks at me worryingly. "Jimin? Did something happen?" He asked and I shook my head. "No, Kai left early because he got sick for having Glandular Fever, Yeah so... lets go home..." I said grabbing his arms and heading towards the apartment.

Me and him finally got home he looked at me in the eye and stared "Jimin, What's wrong?" He asked once again °He knows me so well..° I thought and I looked into his eyes and I quickly look down. "Um, it's nothing honestly..." I say before I open the door and go inside. "Jimin...Was it Kai?" He said and I looked at him. "Okay, it is Kai and I am officially thinking of breaking up with him..." I said looking at Jungkook and he looks at me just frozen.

Jungkook's POV

"Okay, it is Kai and I am officially thinking of breaking up wit him..." Jimin said and I just....I couldn't compute °did he just say...Omygad  OH MY GAD! HE'S GOING T BE MINENEINENFJFNKSD SHOULD I TELL HIM? OMKFNKfoaklsfdajldhfahdfiwuepuHIAEfOIAJSDOHuhfuikfksdf° I started to freak out in my head, but frozen on the outside. "-ungkook! Are you listening!?" I snapped out of the trance and I come back to my senses.

"I'm sorry...Wait you are breaking up with him? When?" I asked and he said that he doesn't know. "Jimin, you can do it tomorrow and-","No Jungkook, you don't get it...I can't bring myself to do it, I don't love him, but I care for him, and it hurts like a bitch that I put all my time into that relationship when it's just garbage in the end...Jungkook I saw your ex and Kai having a little fun on the rooftop and I just feel like I should be hurt, but how could I when I like someone els-"

'Knock Knock'

°This little bitch still has the nerve to come here?° I said looking through the peep hole and seeing Kai. "Jimin it's Kai..." I said and he nodded and walked towards the door, opening it and walking out to talk with Kai outside.



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