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Jungkook's POV

I see Jimin looking at the magazine flipping through the pages. I roll my eyes at Jimin still being interested in the stupid magazine. °Honestly! Why is he so interested in this Taehyung dude in the first place?! Okay I get that before I realized my feelings, I supported his friendship with Taehyung, but now that I see it, JIMIN IS MINNE!°

I cross my arms and lay down trying to go to bed. "Jimin, lets go to bed..." I said not looking at him. " a minute.." He said still flipping through the pages. I just deal with the jealousy and fall asleep.

Jimin's POV

I wake up in the morning to the smell of pancakes. "Jin hyunngg!" I said skipping downstairs spotting Jungkook already sitting down... He was drinking a glass of orange juice and made eye contact with me. I smile and he returns it back, I then walk to the kitchen to hug my hyung. "Morning Hyung!" I said looking over his shoulder. "Morning, but....I have to talk to you.." Jin Hyung said while setting up a plate to serve.

"Um, yeah sure..." I said helping him carry the dishes to the table. We all sit down and begin to eat. I look at Jungkook occasionally and stare for a while before looking away. ° Okay, why is the atmosphere so awkward? Am I the awkward one? Or am I hallucinating?° I thought to myself while chewing on my pancake covered in blueberry sauce.

As I chew I look up once again and was caught off guard when I make eye contact with Jungkook. There in that moment we froze, I didn't continue to chew and he didn't continue to cut his slice of the pancake, we just stared in slow motion. That was until Jin Hyung waved a hand in front of us and yelled our names. "You little shits! I've been calling you for the oast 2 minutes and y'all just kept on looking at each other! I'm feeling like a third wheel!" Jin Hyung said making me blush at the thought of me and Jungkook actually being together and Jin Hyung eating with us while we flirt.

"Anyways! I have to leave for work...I have lots of work to do so please don't wreak the apartment because by the time I come home I already want to beat someones ass!" Jin Hyung said fixing his shirt and grabbing his keys. "Okay I'll get going!" Jin Hyung waved us goodbye as me and Jungkook begin to clean our plates and head up stairs.

I land on the bed and immediately am jammed with my phone hitting my little junior down there. "AgGAhD" I moan and Jungkook snaps his neck towards me with a frightened look. "Ah..Ah....." I rolled all along the bed in pain "Jimin? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked checking me. "No, My phone rammed me down there...." I said pointing at my little dong and he giggled. "Be more careful..." Jungkook said going on his phone next to me.

I curse at myself and then grab the phone looking at my notifications. I see that I have hidden messages and I start to wonder who texted me, because I usually text on my social media. As I unlock my phone I click my messages. "WOah....No way...Tae texted me..."

When I said that Jungkook looking over and I look up at him and try to read his expression °Idk I can't tell, but it doesn't look like an excited one

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When I said that Jungkook looking over and I look up at him and try to read his expression °Idk I can't tell, but it doesn't look like an excited one...° "What do I do Kook?" I ask and he looks at me with a observing expression. "Jimin, you don't even know if it really is him, for all you know he probably got hired to pretend to be Taehyung...Just stop talking to him" Jungkook said looking back to his phone and I look at mine. °Jungkook, Maybe this once, can I do what is better for my heart?° I ignore his statement and try contact Tae.

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