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Jungkook's POV

As I am making my sandwich I was applying my SAUCES and I hear a yell from upstairs. "TAEHYUNG IT REALLY IS YOU!!!!" I heard Jimin yell and I roll my eyes. ° Ugh..He's talking to Taehyung! THAT WAS THE ONE THING I DIDN'T WANT!° I angryly think to myself and I slap on my meat on my bread. 

°Okay, Jungkook the least you can do is make a sandwich for Jimin to...° I thought to myself and I begin to make one for Jimin too. As I am making I decide to cut it into a heart and bring it to him myself instead of calling him down here. 

I plate in nicely and his fancy american fruit smoothie. I walk up happily hoping Jimin would appreciate my work, but that is until I hear "-you! But I do love you..." with that I feel my heart hurt and walk downstairs and sit down at the table. I was sitting alone, while Jimin was upstairs on the phone with some he cared about. °Fuck you....Park Jimin...° I thought to myself as I take a bite of his heart sandwich I took lots of time on to make perfect. 

I continue to eat the rest of the sandwich like the fat ass I am. °That shit was good...Damn Jimin you missed out!° I thought to myself trying to make myself feel better, but it didn't help. I then go to the kitchen and put back his fruit smoothie. I then lean on the counter and stare at nothing.

°Damn it Jungkook....° I curse at myself and open the fridge to make another sandwich, for no one other than....Jimin.....

As I precisely cut the sandwich once more I see Jimin walk into the kitchen looking at me confusedly. "Kookie, what are you doing?" Jimin asked with his phone in his hand which I can stil feel the essences of Taehyung on. "I made you a sandwich" I said handing the sandwich to him roughly. He looked at me even more confused as I walk upstairs to whine.

"Jungkook.." Jimin asked and I ignored and continued to walk up. "And your fruit smoothy is in the fridge.." I say and he just continues to stare. ° Why can't I have you?° I thought to myself as I collapse on the bed. "Ugh...I can still sense Taehyung's voice..." I spoke to myself as I grab my phone and look at the lock screen. 

°I remember this was in the beginning of this school year...We were with Jimin's parents and the Hyungs...of course non of my relatives show up...°
(Btw i don't think Jungkook's fam will ever show up sooo...)

Jimin's POV

 I am shocked by the way Jungkook is acting. He is starting to act like a baby again. I mean I understand that we aren't together, but for sure him acting that way wants me to be with him even more. ° Like I can give him affection that will for sure make him happy, but I have to know my boundaries...He likes Dini so...° I thought to myself still looking at the stairs I last saw Jungkook at.

I look down at the plate in front of me and smile. °Ha..I guess he really does care, even though we aren't in that type of relationship...° I grab my smoothie out of the fridge and sit down at the table. I sigh as I look in front of me acting like me and Jungkook having a dinner date. 

I take a sip of my smoothie and look straight forward imagining he is smiling at me making me blush. I giggle and take a bite of my sandwich, I then look back up to imagine Jungkook has milk on his upper lip and I was going to clean it off until. "Jimin Wtf are you doing?" I snap my neck towards the voice and see that it is Jungkook and I freak out.

"Uh..Um.." I start to freak out trying not to show it that much. "Uh..How much did you see?" I asked afraid he saw all of it. " I've seen it all...Jimin, are you imagining you and Taehyung on a date?" Jungkook asked and I scoffed. "Wh-hat makes you thing that?!" I asked a little relived he said Taehyung. "God, I swear Jimin! Do you not TRUST ME?! YOU EVEN HAVE TO HIDE YOUR LITTLE FANTASIES!" Jungkook yelled and I felt offended that he even thinks that I don't trust him.

"What are you talking about?! You think I don't trust you?! Are you crazy your the most important person in my life!" I yelled at him and he widened his eyes. "Excuse me?! IMPORTANT?! Ever since you found out that, that is Taehyung, YOU HAVEN'T SAID A WORD TO ME! HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL! I HAVE NO ONE!" Jungkook said pointing at himself and I feel like he is trying to make me the bad guy.

"WHAT?! You have no one! You have DINI FOR GOD'S SAKE! I can't even have the one I love! And you feel like your neglected!?" I yelled and he didn't say anything. "JUNGKOOK! If you want all that attention go to the one you LOVE! Just because I'm your bestfriend doesn't mean that I have to give you most of my attention! Only LOVERS DO THAT! AND CLEARLY YOUR LOVER IS DINI-","-Hold up-" Jungkook cut me of and then I cut him off. "NO YOU HOLD UP! If you really want all this love show it to DINI, If you feel neglected go to DINI, if your feel hurt go to DINI! IF YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH GO TO YOUR DAMN GIRLFRIEND!!" I yelled, but soon was taken back with the next words that came out of Jungkook's mouth. 

"Dini isn't a girl, Dini is a boy..."



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