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Jungkook's POV

So me and Jimin are getting ready to go to bed and it's a Thursday so it's important that we go to sleep early so we can have a full nights rest for school tomorrow...

I have already took a shower and Jimin is about to get out right now. It's funny how most of my cloths are here at Jimin's house, which is why I have been wearing almost every day the exact same cloths. I finally get a new set of cloths that smell just like Jimin.

°Man...Jungkook...all this time all these signs of a crush you pushed away thinking that it's brotherly love? You stupid hoe!° The next thing I know is that I'm in his bed sniffing his pillow and blanket like a creep I am. °Mah gad Jungkook! I still can't believe that you hurt Jimin ust so your feelings could go away...You selfish prick° I said letting go of the blankets and looking up to the ceiling regretting my past decisions the past few weeks.

The next thing I know is that the door opens slowly revealing a Jimin soaking wet bringing me some naughty thoughts...°Man...I wonder if I could just- JEZUZ JUNGKOOK!° I thought snapping my head towards the wall. "Jungkook? What's wrong?" Jimin said getting closer, which usually gets me all heated. "Oml! Still uncomfortable around me after a shower? Jeezz! get out so I can change in my room in peace!" Jimin said and I ran towards the door. 

As soon as I run out of the room I slam the door shut. "Ah..." I sigh finally being able to breath. °My god....I can't be in the same room with a naked Jimin...° I said holding my chest and sitting on the floor. I then see Jin hyung waiting for Namjoon on the couch. 'Knock Knock' "Hey Jimin? I'm going to catch up with Jin Hyung!" I said yelling into the door. "OKay! WHatever!" Jimin said with his usual sassy tone.

I then start to make my way down to the living room where Jin Hyung was. "Hey Hyung" I said sitting next to him making him snap his head at me. "My gash Jungkook you scared me..." Jin hyung said grabbing his heart just like I did a few minutes ago. "Wassup Kook?" He asked as I get comfortable in the couch and then I look at him. "Umm..Nothing, my life wa nothing without Jimin..." I said looking up at the stairs where I hoped Jimin wasn't standing at. 

"I was just here to have a conversation with you, maybe even catch up a bit..." I said hugging the couch pillow sniffing the comforting scent. "You want to catch up with me? Nothings happening, but I want to know why you haven't had anything happening because of Jimin...Why did you start to ignore him?" Jin Hyung asked me and my eyes widen at the thought of Jimin finding out I like him. 

"What Kook? What's wrong? Did something big happen?" Jin hyung asked and I started to feel anxiety build up. "Hey JK! Chill..." He said rubbing my shoulder. °Calm down...Clam down...CLAM DOWNN...° I kept on repeating in my head. "Hey, Hey, Are you okay-" I cut Jin Hyung off by putting my hand on his chest meaning 'I'm Fine'. 

"What's wrong Kook? Is it that bad?" Jin asked and I shook my head because having a crush isn't a huge deal, BUT HAVING A CRUSH ON YOUR 13 YEAR BEST FRIEND IS GINORMOUS!° I looked at him and gulped I was worried how he would react if he found out.

"Kook, are you going to tell me or not?" He asked ONCE AGAIN, and I sucked up all of my cowardliness and looked at the stairs. "Jin Hyung, if I tell you promise not to tell Jimin..." I said looking Jin hyung in the eyes. "Please Hyung..." I said holding his wide shoulders. He then took this seriously and nodded slowly. "Okay...Go on..."
I started to feel so tense in my heart and felt the whole room shrink. 

"Jin Hyung, for the first years of my life I thought I was straight...

For the past 13 years I thought it was brotherly love....

For the past 13 years I've loved Jimn...."

I confessed and at first Jin Hyung did't understand what I just said, but after a few seconds of processing his eyes widened. "YOU LIKE-" I covered his mouth before he could tell Africa that I liked Jimin. "SHHhhh! Hyung!" I shushed him and he nodded. ~Whispering  "I still can't believe you like, sorry, LOVED my little baby brother..." Jin hyung said ruffling my hair. 

"Wait, Jungkook...YOU KNOW YOUR STUPID FOR IGNORING HIM FOR THAT REASON!" Jin hyung whisper yelled at me while smacking my head. "Hyung! Stopp!" I said trying to cover my head. "Well! Why did you do that shet!? You know that lessened your chance on being with him!" Jin Hyung said dropping himself on the couch. "I know hyung, but if you look at it...If I loved him for so long, don't you think you would be uncomfortable because all this time you thought you were just friends, when really the other person was feeling something else?" I said with a tear at the end making Jin wipe the tear and I smile.

"Jungkook, you never could tell him...He might not know, but I know him more than anyone, but not as much as you...So if you feel like he feels the same, then confess..." Jin said rubbing my face and I feel like my mom is here with me like I wish.



"BEDROOM NOW!"Namjoon said slamming the door open seeing mine and Jin's sweet moment and probably going to SMASH Jin hyung tonight...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ohohoohohohoh so Jin hyung knows , so what do you think he'll do to bring them closer?

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